duality: there are two people in there!

by telltruth 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • telltruth

    good afternoon all.. to clarify... the effort i am engaged in is done out of respect and awe of a most wonderful human being. everything has been on her terms and anything we speak of has been done at her pace. fortunately i was able to recognize the signifigance of this from the start. perhaps because this is how i treat everyone, regardless of situation. however in light of the fact that she is involved in a destructive cult, the more sound knowledge and understanding i come into does nothing more than help in a positive way. anything that any of you can add is as always most appreciated. not having ever been a jw puts me at a distinct disadvantage that with the help of people who have, i hope to build more of an understanding for what she is going through. thank you all for your words, they are MOST appreciated.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    my wife was just preparing for the meeting. poor soul.


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