Well, that would describe me. I'm sitting on my ass in front of the computer reading and posting to this site!
And SUCH a lovely Apostapotatoe you are.
by IrishDancinJames 43 Replies latest forum suggestions
Well, that would describe me. I'm sitting on my ass in front of the computer reading and posting to this site!
And SUCH a lovely Apostapotatoe you are.
For all of you who may have missed it, or perhaps forgotten, IrishDancingJames is none other than the author of the despicable "Coming Soon" animation depicting people dying at Armageddon while Jane Jaydub and her ugly baby survive.
The video was removed from its home due to a rash of "apostate hate mail" according to its creator. But some clever folks managed to save it, in case anyone is interested in viewing it.
Love, Scully
I remember that Scully.....remember the mother and child?
Apostopotatoes and you. Perfect together.
The Society has never looked at this site! LOL!! You guys are dreaming!
The Society has never looked at this site! LOL!! You guys are dreaming!
No...there is proof dorky boy, but we ....and I say WE who are both X-JW and JW who have been here long enough to know where such proof exist....are laughing at your ignorance. Before you make statements like this, you must realize that this board is in the "real" world, and not in the realm of the happy little kingdom of ignorance ...also known as .... JW-Land.
So as not to spoil the laughter, which you so graciously provided at your expense wholewheat, I am not going to show you the links as to where you may find this information. So please, before making an ass of yourself next time, search the board before your reply.
You are so full of yourself. Tell me, who in the Society waste their time on this board? Ray Franz won't even waste his time here and you are so stupid as to think that the Society is 'watching' this board! Man, you are a funny dude! LOL!
Dumbass...hello? Mcfly? You are the one making replies as to a subject in which you have no "proof" nor "knowledge" of, then saying that I am "full" of myself, because I ( and the others besides you reading this ) hold such "knowledge" and "proof". You just keep sticking your foot in your mouth, dont ya.
You are like the idiot who goes beyond idiocy, to prove oneself as such.....keep entertaining us.
You make a stupid statement and you made me laugh. I know you think you're funny and you are! LOL!! I bet you got the insider scoop, don't ya D8TA?? I bet you have secrete apostate friends who work with the Governing Body, don't ya?? Get a life, geek!!
Say hello to your wife and my children would ya?
For Christs sake. Let's see...I've been here for almost 1 1/2 years. In that time,, Purelanguage and several other "true" witness sites have closed their doors.
This site seems to stay around...I wonder why?