Am I the only one here??

by lola28 181 Replies latest jw friends

  • Spectre

    So Lola, do you ever get a day off? And the street witnessing plans fell through, eh?

  • dedpoet

    Yeah, I used to play rugby at school, what do you wanna know?

  • lola28

    I don't, it was my idea to open on Sundays and well I am here on Sundays for a few hours. I don't think I have had a day off in almost two months.


  • lola28

    What are some of the rules? I know you can't tackle someone who is in the air but thats about it, I like watching it but have no idea what is happening.

  • dedpoet

    There are 15 in a team, you can't pass the ball forward, there are things called scrums, where 6 players from each team sort of crouch down and push each other trying to get the ball, points are scored for "tries", which is when someone grounds the ball behind the opposing teams line, and kicks over the bar. It's a tough game really, sometimes like organised thuggery.

  • lola28

    Thank you for the info, I like watching it to see how many guys leave in a cast (: but I don't understand it at all. I have been watching rugby here every Monday night and they have a show called "the Rugby club" so hopefully if I pay enough attention I will be able to figure out what is going on.

    So what are you up to tonight?

  • clear2c

    Hi, Lola

  • dedpoet

    Nothing much. I have been at work today, until 7:45pm. I am listening to some great music by a Brit band called Ten Years After, who were around in the 70s and generally chilling out, looking forward to my day off tomorrow. How about you?

  • lola28

    Hey how are you? Ler me answer your question from the other day, if you are baptized and then leave because you don't believe it is the "truth" you are considred an apostate, but if you never get baptized you are just bird food, your mom can still have contact with you. If you get Da'ed or Dfd then thigs get really hard and you may loose all contact with your mom. So how is the weather down in your area? I'm in the vlley and it is cold and cloudy.


  • lola28

    I'm processing insurance applications and I have the radio on to a Spanish station that plays only love songs. I have to work until five and then its freedom (:

    So what do you do?


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