the kh and its decor is creepy for would sit there and wonder exactly how many demons could fit behind those mustard yellow floor-length curtains hanging on stage. we actually had these jaggedy metal sconces that were so rough around the edges they could be used as weapons...lined up all over the walls. that only added to the eerieness.
to watch the movie, The Virgin Suicides, is to understand the unsettling feeling of walking into a 70's style kh and sitting through an entire session.
Haunted Hall
by Virgogirl 14 Replies latest jw friends
My theory: You were programmed to believe the demons were involved whenever you felt an uneasy feeling. You felt uneasy in the KH because it was a mind control cult. Thus your natural assumption would be the uneasiness was the fault of the demons.
No vibes. No nothing. Just an empty loveless, joyless building. Even weddings at halls seemed so joyless and prefunctory. Everything routine - nothing spontaneous. Halls for me were always just empty hulls.
ya, what rebel8 said.
rebel8 is exactly right. we were too used to attributing anything bad or scary to the demons. A cold, empty, windowless building would naturally seem bad and scary, thus reminding you of the demons.