FINALLY -- I get to move the H#LL out of here!!!!

by outnfree 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    Excellent! A co-worker of mine lived in the house with her ex for FIVE years. Neither could agree on the split of marital assets, and he threatened to send her pets to the pound the moment she left. I swear, she brightened by ten years when the house thing was settled.

  • gladdy

    brenda, good for you! of course depression and stress will hinder your feeling better and what an adrenaline rush when you were able to actually make your move. That is why you were able to do so much physical work. I was wondering how I could post you a bouquet pf flowers but alas, I see you already a beautiful bucket of flowers sent your way. What a difference it makes to get your life back! God bless you and your son.

  • BrendaCloutier

    w00t! w00t! w00t! I am so excited for you!

    To "remodel" while living in it is simply a pain in the arse, not to mention the health hazzards. Now if your "husband" wants to continue living in the mess, it's his choice.

    I'm so glad things came together for you!

    Hugs and love


  • outnfree

    Another day, another couple of boxes done already! Yippee!!!!

    Today, I am going to phone the lawn people for a fall cleanup and the rug people to come to take the area rugs that we have agreed I shall have to be cleaned. Also, I am sorting through paperwork so I only take what I absolutely must with me! I will do the sorting in between trick or treaters tonight, I think. :D

    Thanks for the encouragement and lovely tulips, guys!

    Happy Halloween, all!

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