I was just reading a post that could be just a rumor. But it could have some truth in it too.
We know too well that the WTS brands us as liars. And it would be so easy to fall into the trap of making all kinds of accusations without any proof. Even with proof, the WTS will say it is all lies but it might open someone's eyes if they can follow the leads and get to the same point as any researcher here did. .
We have some amazing researchers on this board. Given a piece of information they can at least know which lead to follow. This is what happened with the UN scandal that eventually led to the WTS withdrawing and doing damage control.
So YES please provide proof. If it is too dangerous to provide proof (because it might identify you to the WTS spies) then PM the info to sf and they can post the info. And they can leave your name out of it.
And this applies to every rumor, suggestion, or direct proof.by anyone regarding things you have heard. They don't need to be all sent to sf (wouldn't want to drown one person with all the info). Info can be sent by PM to any of the mods or any of the posters on the board that have done so much to uncover the real truth. (the mods can pass the info on to the researchers if need be).