thank you, richard. My articles are targetted specifically to the UBM audience, who may not care a whit about failed prophecy. They DO need to be prepared, however, on how dissonance affects their ability to communicate with their partner.
Cognitive Dissonance, an article for UBM's
by jgnat 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Thank you Jgnat. This is fascinating. I've been meaning to do some research on this. You're getting me off to a good start!
Thank you, jgnat! I need this. I tend toward logic, but my wife doesn't. These reminders are critical for me to have a greater chance of waking her up.
AuldSoul, we have much in common then. My husband is an emotional witness. I find that vivid word-pictures work very well. In fact, it's about the only thing that works. Then the darn elders give a rebuttal vivid word-picture and I have to go back to the drawing board. For example, hubby asked what "closed ranks" means.
I gave him the illustration of a marching band. The guys won't let him join the marching band yet. Then the guy with the tuba bumps in to him. So he complains to the band leader. "Hey! The tuba guy just hit me!" But honey, you're not part of the marching band yet. The band leader hollers "close ranks", and each band member takes one step in. Now they're a wall of marching men, and there's no room for you to join. The leader says, "the tuba guy didn't hit you, you imagined it."
Hubby finally got it, and chuckled for days. Then an elder had one of those famous talks with hubby.
"You've been training for the race for months. It's only days away from race day. You wouldn't give up now, would you, after all the effort you've put in? What a waste."
This does seem to be a common tactic with elders. Encourage people to stay because they've invested too much already. It is a waste to walk away. Many of you ex-JW's mourn the lost years. The awful truth is, if you stay longer you just waste more days/months/years.