Some of those that remember me wonder what I've been up to so far this year.I made a post tonight on the Kids Teens Parenting board that tells some of it.Check it out.
Plus I'll add this.
Since I quit meetings cold turkey believe it or not I've not experienced even one withdrawl symtom!!Yea!
I was in shock at first and it took me awhile to grasp that I was truly free.Not DF'd or DA'd. I don't believe in either and do not believe any man or group of men have the right to take friends and family from us!Most Of our friends and family have labled us anyway but that's their choice.
Shall I confess my sins? I think I will.Ha ha
I've celebrated birthdays,Mothers day,Fathers Day,Forth of July and I'm looking foward to turkey day.As I mentioned in the other post I plan to celebrate the Seasons since I'm not religious.
I registered to vote.
I donated blood.
Read romance novals
took eveloution tutorials
Rated R movies
I smoked for about a month and now just enjoy the occasional clove.
Tried weed once and inhaled!!!(it was stale and I almost choked to death)Haha
Joined a Comunity club for women.
Did a fund raiser for cystic fybrosis.
Went gambling on a boat.
There's much much more and I've enjoyed every minute of all these things.Cant wait for more freedom and life without fear and guilt.
Freedom is so sweet!
by Ranchette 14 Replies latest jw friends
Right ON! Right on. Free at last, you're free at last....
Freedom really IS so sweet!
NOTE TO GOVERNING BODY: You've been challenged to a debate, boys. Dont you have ANY balls?
I donated blood
Did a fund raiser for cystic fybrosis.You KNOW you was in a cult if you couldnt do the above, to help your fellow human beings, without feeling guilt and fear of getting punished for it.
Im glad you got out of that bad place. Well done.
Had Enough
Amen logical! Don't we all feel so much unburdened?
How wrong can it be to help our fellow human beings?
How wrong is it to do something good to help a sick person? Does the "Good Samaritan" come to mind?
How wrong is it to try to help the community by voting on something of benefit?As for the personal tryouts---who is it hurting?
You said it all---freedom without fear or guilt?
Ahh, Sweet Freedom, Ranchette, I can relate to exactly everything you are feeling. How exhilarating it is to be so unburdened from the horrible restraints we once endured. How wonderful to free oneself from the unrealistic expectations of others. What a relief to break free of the bonds of religious enslavement, and spiritual abuse. How refreshing to look at the world and life without the dark glasses of the Borg. I am enjoying all the things in life I never had a chance to think about before. Life is good now, and evern during bad times it feels not so bad when guilt is removed from the equation. I am truly happy for you Ranchette, and all of us who have escaped from the monotony of the weekly rut at the Kindom Hall.
A very, very special welcome, Ranchette!
My very warmest to you,
Long time no hear!How are you?
I've been thinking about this post and it is a celebration of freedom but it also shows once again how twisted our beliefs were as witnesses.As others have touched on this alittle already,It's so culty to lump good deeds in with sin.I'm not promoting all my behavior but thank goodness I don't have to feel bad about about any of it either.I could have some of this out of my system a long time ago if I had a normal upbringing.I am having a good time with my new life and I want others to see that it can be a great experience.
Ranchette -
That really is great news - congratulations. It sure does feel wonderful to open up to life, doesn't it?
One thing you mentioned got me thinking. Even though you were able to quit cold-turkey with no withdrawal, there are others who can't. Perhaps I could market a "patch" for them, like the ones somkers use. But this one would be a piece of 3" x 3" polyester, cut from a cheap suit, to give a little dose of the WBTS as needed. You could work your way down to smaller patches over time, and eventually - presto!
ChuckD, thats one of the funniest things I have heard in a while. Thank you for the well needed laugh