Sometimes family and friends will let you know WHEN THEY are ready to hear it. Perhaps you can prepare by rehearsing in your mind HOW you will break it to them.
Timing for coming out of the closet
by watch the tower 14 Replies latest social family
I am interested in hearing what you have to say about when you think would be a good time to come out of the closet to put an end to this mindless charade.
A good time to come out of the closet is when you are ready. First, you have to ask yourself what you hope to gain by laying all your cards on the table.Often we are driven by a secret wish for attention, revenge and recognition. The devastating brand of attention that the Jehovah’s Witnesses dish out is not always as satisfying as one had hoped for.
Diplomacy is the chosen tool of the wise.
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One significant thing is that you have already stopped giving anything to this devious organisation you no longer contribute, that's already a great move forward.
You're in a difficult situation. Caution is the watchword. Don't rush into anything and try not to let yourself get baited into a spritual discussion where you will get emotional and let your guard down.
You'll know when you're ready. Until then, prepare yourself. Know your thoughts, feelings and understandings of various doctrines and scriptures. Remember, they will have the upper hand in any conversation because they can pop open a bound volume or the CDRom and get the answer to any spiritual question you pose. You can't have all that reference material handy because it's cumbersome and from SATAN.
Good luck. I'm where you are, but it's not my parents I'm worried about it's my wife. Different relationship, same problem.
My gut feeling is now is not the time. The after effects will be too great.
What makes you think the after-affects will be any less if you tell them later? Just my two cents, you're dreaming.
You've gotten some good advice here. Letting every JW know you're leaving by officially DAing is a very effective shortcut to NOT being able to reach your folks or any other JW family or friend with what you know. The label scares them away from you and you will kiss those people goodbye on a permanent basis most of the time.
But if you need to do that for your own peace of mind, I understand. However, if you wish to keep the JW family in your life, you'll be patient. Maybe many years patient. Not DAing yourself still gives you access to JWs and you can slowly introduce questions and concepts to them. It may stick in your craw that you can't be *your real self* but think of it as a long-term investment strategy in helping your family. You can reach them much more effectively if you have no "apostate" label on you.