Ask them why they diligently avoid open debates with JWs as well as outsiders where any issues can be freely discussed. What do they fear so much, why are they such a secretive lot given their divine appointment?
Now that the paradise on earth has been postponed indefinitely what do they have to offer to their members especially the ones who were hoping for a life time to see these things?
Today show on NBC
by bikerchic 19 Replies latest jw friends
jgnat, I love your booby prize there. LOL I think JWs might win every year. I wonder what they'd do at HQ if they received that lovely statue in the mail.
Who here are sending emails to them?
and what are you saying?
Who here are sending emails to them?
and what are you saying?
Good question xjwms! I posted mine above. Now is a good chance to raise some of the topics we've read about here like UN/NGO, blood policies, shunning, disfellowshipping and ect....not just what ticks you off about the WTS but where they have been wishy washy and inhuman in their treatment of their members as well as Biblical Doctrine unique to the JW's only.
It might be a good chance to get some
badpublicity for the WTS. -
Now What?
Why do you, the Jehovah's Witnesses, publicly proclaim "love thy neighbor" but privately smile at the prospect of over 6 billion good people who love their families suffering a tremendously horrifying death just because they disagree with your peculiar theology?
Ask them why they diligently avoid open debates with JWs as well as outsiders where any issues can be freely discussed. What do they fear so much, why are they such a secretive lot given their divine appointment?
We have a "catch 22" order to ask the JWs anything, they'd have to agree to appear on the show.
They don't agree to appear on public shows because of the questions they will be asked.
Here is the question I sent in:
Actually, my question is about Jehovah's Witnesses. Why do they enforce a rule whereby families are not allowed to speak to other family members who leave the faith? Mothers can't speak to daughters, father's can't speak to son's, children can't speak to their parents, it's totally turning their back on their family because of the religion. And it's just because the family member no longer believes in the tenents of the society.
Good one happyout! Glad you sent your email in, that's the way the Jehovah's Witness will get attention is if lots of people send in emails asking about them.
Opus Dei...................
Isn't that the one Mel Gibson and his father are involved in? An ultra Catholic group?
From the list of "approved" cults, I'd say they consider the JW's an anachronism. Not kooky enough to tittilate the viewers.
Or perhaps kooky enough to deserve their own show... ? -Aude.