by undercover 22 Replies latest jw friends
Lehrer: Frank in Brooklyn, you're on WNYC
Caller: I'd like to ask the caller if he allows his members, or the members of Jehovah's Witnesses, to vote in elections?
Lehrer: For what?
Caller: For Mayor, for City Council, for President, for Congress, for anything.
Brown: We do not form regulations that require other people to live up to what is stated. We teach them the bible. And as far as our allegiance and loyalty to a government, first is God's Kingdom, whether we're here in the United States, whether were in some European or African lands, our allegiance is first to God's government, God's Kingdom, the one that Christians are familiar with in their prayer "thy kingdom come".
Lehrer: But do you discourage voting or other civic participation, in addition to, you know, below that?
Brown: Of course we do not discourage it, because that wouldn't be appropriate. Each one makes up his own mind. And if he's decided that his allegiance is to God's Kingdom and he separates himself from the kingdoms or governments of this world, then he decides, individually, his own conscience at work, as to how he will handle the particular affairs.
[Note: see Watchtower quotes regarding Voting ] http://quotes.watchtower.ca/spokesman.htm
(deleted double post)
This was a Question from the Readers, I think it was either in the WT or in one of those Kingdom Ministries or whatever they're calling them these days. It was news at the time, either a year or two ago, a change in policy to allow a conscience matter. I don't think any major articles have come out about it, I think it fulfilled the prerequisite to have it published somewhere so that they could say this was their policy. They have used this and the conscience blood thing in order to break into countries that did not want to allow them for those reasons. Good old theocratic warfare at work.
Gerard, thank you for posting the link to "quotes" on voting. I saved it to my file. I am simply flabbergasted by the new policy of voting being a matter of conscience. When I was one of Jehovah's Witnesses, voting was not a matter of conscience. It was considered being friendly with the "beast" and not done by any Jehovah's Witness.
its funny, i really honestly had a carreer coming to me in soccer, except i was not ALLOWED to go to my tryouts for the portugal team... my parents said no, and i almost got reproved for playing on the school team!! DAMN, WHO WOULDA THOUGHT I COULD BE A SPORTS STAR AND A J-DUB??? then again, the lack of personal space, privacy, the crazy schedule, the pain, the constant need to be on top really arent appealing to me... i guess i would just have to be a sports star....
the infamous one
Stories such as this one hopefully speeds up the mainstreaming of Watchtowerism. I'm sure any talented JW, be it sports or art or music, reading this will use it to their advantage and pursue meaningful and purposed careers. Of course this is nothing new; Kevin Garnett, Lou Whitaker, the Williams sisters, et al, have all paved the way for a JW to find fame and fortune in this wicked system of things.
As far as voting goes, in the more recent ambivalent way the WT dictates its expectations of its members, voting is still wrong but what you decide to do in the voting booth is between you and God. Essentially the WT has confused the Witnesses enough that they get a wink wink, nudge nudge from inspirationless elders. More of the usual silliness that exists in JWdom these days.
Long gone are the days when famous sports players became JWs and "spontaneously" gave up their sport. Nowadays, you can have your cake and eat it, too; a little like hedging your bets, and why not? It's got to be healthier for people to have a life outside of the organisation.
The mainstreaming of the Watchtower continues apace, despite probable consternation amid the ranks!
Who can remember the name of the well-known 1960s English soccer player who became a witness and resigned from the sport? His name eludes me, but he was quoted in the press at the time speaking very confidently about the end of the system being right around the corner and that he'd be surprised if the system went much beyond the mid-70s. His was a classic egg-on-his-face quote, but for the life of me, I have forgot when and where he said it. Does anyone else remember this? Here's hoping...
Who can remember the name of the well-known 1960s English soccer player who became a witness and resigned from the sport?*** g71 4/8 p. 23 Christian Togetherness in Brazil ***
Among the fifty-seven baptized at the Curitiba assembly was a young man in his twenties, a professional soccer player. Besides playing soccer, he was also a promising engineering student. When he learned God’s truth, he turned down lucrative offers and said, in explaining his final decision: "Time is short, and I want to make the best possible use of it: to serve Jehovah, our Creator." He was baptized at the assembly held at the stadium of the same club for which he played.
Was it this dude who perhaps has spent 34 and a half "short" years serving Jehovah?
Nope, sorry, it is this dude.
g73 5/22 p. 23 Body Building Was a Prime Interest in My Life ***At once I went to my manager and trainer and explained that being Mr. Universe was no longer my goal in life and that no longer would I perform in any shows that would bring praise to myself. They exploded into a rage of obscenities, not only toward me, but even cursing the Name of Jehovah. However, I held firmly to my resolve. About that time I was much encouraged when a local newspaper published a story about a famous soccer player in England who turned down a million-dollar contract to follow in the footsteps of Christ Jesus as one of Jehovah’s witnesses.
That's mildly amusing to me because the chairman of the judicial committee that voted to DF me had a brother who was a professional body builder and we used to go to his competitions.
About that time I was much encouraged when a local newspaper published a story about a famous soccer player in England who turned down a million-dollar contract to follow in the footsteps of Christ Jesus as one of Jehovah’s witnesses.
Hey thanks for the quote Cygnus. The ex-soccer player from England apparently made some pretty rash statements to the British press at the time of his giving up soccer. From my memory, he made specific references to how certain he was that the old system would be destroyed in the mid-1970s. I wish I could find that quote!!