Forgive me if this has been brought up before, but another thread reminded me of a few on-stage snafoo's. Anybody got any good ones? like that made you LOL?
It's so weird, but apparently when I was on-stage w/ another sister, either doing the presentation or pretending to be the house-holder I would, I guess, think I was an actress or something. I really felt the need to be really and truly believable. So, on one particular occasion I was being the non-JW being witnessed to by another young one (although she was older than me -- she was about 21 and I was like 16 or so). So, she's going on about how God's gonna bring Armageddon and yada-yada-yada..and I gave her a face like 'OH NO!' -- like I really was worried about the impending doom of this world. Well SHE frieked out and whispered to me 'what?' -- like she thought something slipped out of her mouth wrong and was really worried that I was trying to warn her of was TOO FUNNY! poor girl, she had no idea how much of a drama queen I could be. What can I say, I was workin' it!
The other time that comes to mind is when I was a little kid. Dad had a part on stage and had all the young ones up there -- which at the time wasn't many and so he had to use LITTLE kids. So, I was up there along w/ my sister and some other kids and my dad (as the PO elder and only elder in the congo at the time) had us kids draw pictures of our favorite biblical stories and talk about our drawing up on stage. When he got to me I remember holding up my drawing of Noah and an ark and animals, but being as I was only like 3 or 4 I couldn't say much and so I got nervous and ran off the stage crying. Talk about horrifying, when you're a shy little kid. Fortunately, I outgrew that... but I was mortified at the time. Poor little 3 yr old Candlestick me!
Anyone got any funny times on stage that you can recall?