Just for Fun...

by RichieRich 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Enigma One
    Enigma One


    Yes, due to their lack of excercise I find the meat a little fatty at times, but I use a crock pot to slow simmer it away.

    Of the really fatty pieces of Circuit and District Overseer, I use that for bird suet. For some reason JW's are obsessed with being bird food, so I thought it appropriate.


  • littlerockguy

    Spineless so there is no need for deboning

  • ButtLight

    This a buck my boyfriend shot, but it didnt die, and the guy down the way got it! Boy was he mad.

  • hillbilly

    just a snack eh?


  • RichieRich
    What for?

    Actually, the land we were hunting that day was because we had been asked to come in and help thin out the deer in that area. There are so many that they are actually becoming inbred, and mutation like cowhorn (like mine) and deformed racks are being passed on. So not only were we keeping the population in check, we were also fighting disease and mutation in the population, as well as making a few less road hazards. Oh yeah, they're delicious too.

    Rich do dubs in your area carry guns?
    While a select few of the brothers hunt, they do not commonly talk about it, much less flagrantly display them.

    U/D That day I was using my Ruger M77 .30-06 with a Mannlicher action. It's topped off with a Leupold 3-9 x 40mm scope. I handload my hunting rounds with Noslers also.

  • ozziepost


    Sounds like the 'problem' we have downunder with kamgaroos. Visitors from O/S (overseas) think they're all nice and cudlly and all that but the locals know different! They cause many road accidents each year as well as damage to paddocks and so on.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    You should NEVER advertise that you kill deer, much less show it, on a site that values animals and humans. It's a nice deer, I agree, but this is not the place to do it.


  • daystar

    Speaking of deer...

    Man kills deer with bare hands - http://www.breitbart.com/news/2005/11/01/D8DJTIR84.html

    I've shot rifles and a few handguns, but have never actually been hunting. I'd really like to some day. Although, I always liked the idea of crossbow hunting better.

  • Enigma One
    Enigma One

    Country I assume since you are so opposed to hunting animals you are a vegetarian or a vegan then correct?

    Also, I don't understand why Richie can't post that here on JWD. Lots of folks post fluff about alot of things here. From anti-American tripe to recipes to arts & crafts. Nothing in his actions illicit so why not?

  • hillbilly

    i guess the harvest of tree rats (squirrels) would be in poor tast too?

    Hunting is what humans do... we all need to and the repression of that instinct caused all sorts of ill in modern society.

    ~Hill (ride rope shoot hunt class)

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