Jehovah willing

by MsMcDucket 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • MsMcDucket

    Do you believe that's a superstitious saying? If so, why? If not, why? Do you think that when a person gambles that they believe in the "god of luck" as the witnesses say? What does pagan mean to you? I'm trying to get my head straight. Tell me your thoughts.


  • Legolas

    Well I buy lotto tickets and I don't believe in the 'god of luck'....But I will if he lets me win!

  • ChrisVance

    I always hated that expression, jojoba willing. Does that mean bad things happen because jojoba is willing? Very contradictory to the dub beliefs. Of course, that doesn't bother the average dub.

  • MsMcDucket
    Does that mean bad things happen because jojoba is willing?

    That's a very good point!

  • Spectre

    And why is it that when one is in an elders meeting, the excuse, "the devil made me do it" never works?

  • tetrapod.sapien

    yes, i believe it is superstitious. it's like saying : "tooth fairy willing!"

    neither of them exist, or i should say that the likelihood of either of them existing is equally low. very very low. so low as to not pay either any mind.

    so, yes, it's superstitious.


  • atypical

    I think it is very superstitious. Also arrogant, in a way. Witnesses say "Jehovah willing" about the smallest things. I always thought that was funny. Sure, the supreme god of the universe will be personally deciding whether or not your boss gives you a raise. Whatever. Actually, that kind of thinking really messes with your head, because if you really believe it then everything bad that happens will make you wonder if you really have Jehovah's blessing, then to wonder what you did to lose his blessing, then to get depressed, etc.

  • ocsrf

    JW superstitions are -

    not getting 10 hours in field service

    not making all 5 meetings a week

    something extra special about the annointed

    Just a few I could think of.


  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    "Jehovah willing" is a phrase that is new to me. I dont really ever recall hearing any one use it around me. I can certainly understand the context in which a JW would say something like that. I can even imagine various "brothers and sisters" using it. Too funny!

  • startingover

    I think it's just a catch phrase used to pretend there actually is such a being and that he cares about the dubs and what they are doing.

    Remember the last part on the circuit assemblies, the one where we were all waiting for something exciting or new to be announced. They always said that, "if Jehovah willing", we would be having conventions next year. If there was some reason why there were no assemblies the next year it would never be said it was because Jehovahbubba wasn't willing, it would be because of Satan.

    I recently overheard the reading of the letter at the meeting about the international assemblies at my folks house where they had it piped in over the phone. They used that, same expression, "if Jehovah willing", in the letter.


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