Disfellowshipped / Disassociated
by atypical 25 Replies latest jw friends
Damn, the enter key got me again!! Newman.......
Anyway, something that has been really bugging me: Most of you probably know that they changed the announcement; when someone gets df'd or da's themselves, they just announce "So and So is no longer one of Jehovah's witnesses".
So my questions are these:
1. Was there ever an announcement or talk to explain this change?
2. How can they expect the congregation to enforce the shunning of somebody who is not even publicly disfellowshipped or disassociated? Because technically nobody from this point on will be. If someone is just simply "no longer one of Jehovah's witnesses", then we shouldn't have to treat them any different than 99% of the people we talk to and interact with every day.
3. How can they discipline anyone for associating with someone who is disfellowshipped if that was never technically announced?
I realize that the society is trying to minimize their liability, but this volunteer work thing has gotten out of control. They are expecting everybody to draw a specific conclusion, from something that wasn't exactly announced, and then enforce the punishment.
I think they have opened a can of worms with this one.
Darth Yhwh
atypical, these are all very good question. I personally have no clue how to answer any of them. I've been out for so long now that I have no idea how the rank and file JW rationalizes these concepts. I'll be watching the thread to see how others reply.
I can tell you that I have heard one such announcement at the kingdom hall, it was just a few months ago. I couldn't believe my ears and started asking everybody - what is that supposed to mean, "no longer one of jehovah's witnesses"? Is he disfellowshipped? When no one could answer the question, I asked the person himself. It turns out he had been gone for at least 2 years. He had been tricked into meeting with a brother under the pretense that the brother wanted "to encourage him". One brother turned into three, and they immediately started asking him about a weekend he had spent with an ex girlfriend over a year prior. He was truthful, and so they told him that he would be disfellowshipped. He did not even know about the new announcement until I told him. It just blew my mind.
It is so wierd!!! I was announced in November 2004 as DA'd and the shunning began in earnest. Well, last week I was in the local store and the PO from my old KH and his nephew came in. I said, Hi, Mxxx how ya been?" He answered and we talked for a minute just like old times. His nephew took the cue and even said Hi. I am so apostate that I almost asked him if he had ever before accepted Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior. The PO knows I am a born again Christian and that I have been on several missionary trips and have helped 2 local dubs leave the cult, one of whom has accepted Jesus. So what is the deal with talking with me since I am definitely bad association?
Congregations are small and most of the JWs know what this announcement means. They apply the scripture that calls for not even saying a greeting to such a person. Some apply this councel either more or less strictly, some can be liberal when no one is looking. OC
Darth Yhwh
Yes, but is their abandonment of the term “disfellowshipped” a sign of things to come?
You are right, ocsrf, that is exactly what happens. I just can't begin to understand how the elder body can enforce a stand that they can't even come out and tell everyone exists. The new announcement doesn't give anyone a basis for not speaking to the person. For all we are told, we know no more about him than any other person in the entire world. But I am guessing that they would discipline me if they knew I was socializing with this person.
If this person is your friend, and if you want to stay within goodstanding, you will need to keep your assoc. on the QT. The level of your association is what will get you talked to. I don't think most elders would make a huge deal if they saw you being polite, but if theysaw you together at the local bowling alley, well, xpect the worst. I don't know what that would be, I have not been any kind position to know for sometime.
If someone is just simply "no longer one of Jehovah's witnesses", then we shouldn't have to treat them any different than 99% of the people we talk to and interact with every day.
No it doesn't work that way.
If you are a Jehovah's Witness , then you are announced as "no longer a Jehovah's Witness" to them you do not become as the 99% of other people. You are a person who was once a JW therefore has turned your back on the WT and you will be treated as such. You are a traitor, an apostate, dead, not deserving of any association with those who are still JW's..