What the doctor said about the JWs and blood

by MegaDude 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billygoat


    Honestly, I am surprised to hear this. I am relieved, but surprised nonetheless. I would like to think that my parents and siblings would be willing to think for themselves when it comes to private matters as such. I was 19 when I was DFed and so entrenched, that I had a hard time for years thinking for myself in a healthy manner.

    Little Toe,

    Now I'm not suggesting by that that God doesn't hear prayers because they aren't addressed just right. I'm only suggesting that the idea of a relationship with their God isn't actually something the average JW thinks too much about. If they "pray using the right name, surely it get's there" and that's relationship enough if I'm "doing what the WTS tells me I need to do", seems to be the general consensus, and once that door is shut by the WTS because of some infraction, there is simply little left.

    I'm not trying to paint a rule here, as it's just a general observation and people are as individual as their fingerprints...

    I know for sure I didn't have a close relationship with God when I was a JW. He was a big something in the sky that would spy on me and try to catch me doing bad things. And when I said a swear word that morning, I would make bad tips at work that night for punishment. Seriously. That is how I thought He worked. But when I did great, wonderful things all day long, I would look for the blessings and find nothing. It was a very one way relationship IMO.

    Thank God for the release from THAT bondage, eh?

    Today, I am closer to God than ever before. It's a fun, sweet, comforting, and serious and yet sometimes silly relationship. During my day, I pray while I work and drive and cook and all the other daily things I do. I see Him in the nature and people around me. I allow myself to listen and experience everything and everyone as much as possible...believing that His essence is in those little moments in my life.

    This morning, I awoke to a big sunbeam coming through my window and it was landing directly and very brightly in my face. I remember my first thought was, "Good morning Lord." And smiling and turning over to get out of the sun. But a few moments later, the sun rose some more and the sunbeam landed on my face again. I actually giggled into my pillow because I felt like He was nudging me...not letting me sleep in. But it was sweet and gentle...like a kind Father would wake up a toddler.

    *happy sigh and shrug*

    Just a little sliver of my life to share with you that's totally random and off topic, but thanks anyway. I guess the point of it was to share how personal my relationship with the Lord is today. And that in True Love, you really enjoy each other's company.


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