After Armageddon?

by ScaryHairy 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    forsharry, part of the problem may have been that the URL was not "clickable."

    Always be sure to put a space after the last letter/number in an URL or use the enter key, then readers can just click on it and go to the item. In your post they would have had to copy and paste it into the Address.

    It is a good story, and eerily close to what would happen without the secular authority holding back the elders.


  • tfsm

    A Christian Outreach to those trapped in cult groups. Kinda makes me think "from frying pan into the fire" but at least they have thought through what it would be like if dubs ruled the earth.

  • forsharry

    Yeah it sorta puts it all in perspective for me. Who would want to live in a world, FOREVER, in an arrangement like that. I mean don't get me wrong, I don't want to die, well most of the time anyway, but the thought of being happy forever with nothing to base it against...well, all things without let up get boring after awhile...

  • blondie

    It's still a good account of what life under JWs After Armageddon would be like. Lorri McGregor used to be a JW. I am certainly not advocating her ministry and I don't think the story does either.


  • forsharry

    :nods: yeah, at first I was sceptical considering where it was at, but after reading it, not only did i get a good laugh, as in wow, what a bullet I dodged, but I thought it was very well presented taking into account how the jehobas act today with their congregational arrangements.

  • stevenyc

    I say, after the big A, we slaughter a few sacrificial lambs, and have ourselves a BBQ.


  • forsharry

    mmmm barbeque.

    And to quote Eddie Izzard, "No, Cannibals say that humans taste of chicken. So chickens taste of human. Glad you're coming along with me on that one." Can you imagine the barbeque to be had after the Big-A?! The secret's in the sauce, my friends, the secret's in the sauce

  • Legolas

    That's when all the JWs get to go claim the big house they staked out in field service in the snobby neighborhoods.

    BINGO!!!!!...Twinflam wins the prize!

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    It is a good story, and eerily close to what would happen without the secular authority holding back the elders.


    I loved the day by day description of life in the new order. Pretty much how it would unfold. I also found the above statement by Blondie very interesting. In the past I have wondered about this myself. I believe the GB would have execution rather then dfings if they felt they could get away with it. After all they do believe that anyone who doesn't listen to them is worthy of death. Be thankful they have no power.

  • sf

    Hahaha Mary, sounds as if you are describing FEMA.


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