beliefs I thought were unique to JWs because they had holy spirit

by demeter 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Legolas

    Welcome to the board!

  • dedpoet

    Hi demi, welcome to the board, I hope you enjoy it here.

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    I dont think any other christian sect believes in the Witnesses peculiar idea of celebrating the Eucharist only once a year on Nisan 14.

    "dry cleaning bags filled with swamp gas"

  • Cygnus

    Nate, yeah, especially since it oughta be Nisan 15.

    There's plenty in WT material that admits Russell got much of his ideas from other people. Really, there's very little unique to JWs - they have amalgramed this and that from him and her and have come up with the mess that is Present Truth.

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Hey Cygnus!

    It's Nisan 15? Well, there you go. I have an excuse. I'm 52 and have been gone from the Witnesses for thirty-three years. Details get a bit foggy here and there. From reading this site my mind is being refreshed as to a lot of the details, which is helpful in writing my book about my JW experiences.

    It isn't an "I Left the JW's and Found Jesus, Amen" book. Thought that certainly happened. It's way more rollicking than that.

    Have a grand day!

  • stevenyc

    The look! Either JDubs, mormons, or the FBI!


  • Robert_V_Frazier

    Demeter wrote:

    The belief that the Faithful and Discreet slave is the Anointed might be unique to witnesses though. And the insistence that the 144,000 anointed is a literal number going to heaven--Revelation---I think that understanding might be unique. However I was reading in a book about religions that Adventists,as a catagory of religion,generally believe that the faithful will rule with Christ for a thousand years.

    No, none of those is unique. High-control (abusive) churches of all kinds use the concept of the FDS to keep their minions in line. Not all of them necessarily apeal to that parable in exactly the same way as the Watchtower does, but many of them do.

    There has to be at least 144,000 different religious groups that believe that only 144,000 will make it to Heaven, and point to themselves as being the most important subset of that figure.

    Just about every church that interprets Revelation at all literally believes in the thousand-year reign of Christ on Earth. The amillenialists are the only exception, and they are a minority these days.

    Robert V Frazier

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