Anyone awake at this god forsaken hour??? 1:30am

by dezpbem 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow

    I lived on Oahu for nine months, six hours behind eastern standard. It did help my insomnia. It's six hours difference and five hours. They don't do day light saving time. The sun rises early and sets early there, even in the summer.

    Badger sleep balm? What do you do with it? Does it work? I never heard of it.

    It relaxes you. It has lavender and bergomot in it. I love it and just about panicked when my grandson rubbed the rest of mine all over him one night. You can buy it here. I buy mine at Cracker Barrel.

    I also recommend the other things I mentioned, all of which can ordered on line.

  • dezpbem
    you know what this thread needs? some taking over the world talk... oh yewah and you guys calling me creepy... LETS DO IT!!

    oh yeah and the girls have to start saying that me and dez are hot again... LMAO!


    We don't have the man power at this time of night for all the funny stuff , sighs. We need Sparkplug, HL, Misspeaches, Lola, and the funny crew. I could think of a few others I see on this site that would add to our crazy latenight threads. I wanted to do one this week but got thrown off. I'm setting the day for Teusday night. I'll PM a few people ahead of time and we'll see if we can do this then.

    I hope you guys will be that night for a thread by me around 10 pm.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Badger sleep balm? What do you do with it?

    You rub it on your temples, face, lips, etc. The essential oils help with aroma therapy and also through absorption through the skin.

  • dezpbem

    I have to try that stuff. I sometimes use melatonin which works great but you get used to it. So you used to live in Oahu? Hawaii?

    My cousin has a house in hawaii. I still haven't gone there though. But whenever I want to I have a place to go. What made you ive there and why did you come back?

  • theinfamousone

    u know what puts me to sleep??? LOTS AND LOTSA BOOZE!!! and theres still not enough talkin about how sexy i am!!!!!

    the infamous one

  • Kaylen

    Hey Creepy,

    The other day you didn't get back to me as to whether I get Australia?

  • Kaylen

    And....I hope guys stay up a while cause I am ettling in with a few cheery bottles of Riccadona and I hate to drink alone

  • FlyingHighNow
    What made you ive there and why did you come back?

    Loooong story. I came back for Andy.

  • greendawn

    That reminds me that the USA is 5 - 8 hours behind the UK time depending on the local time zone, Australia is 8 - 11 hours ahead and New zealand 13 hours ahead.

    The earth is a sphere one side is night the other is day.

  • dezpbem

    We're pimping two threads as an instant messenger right now.

    This one and another. Ah the greed...

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