Lucid Dreaming -- Ever done it? Can you do it at will?

by AlmostAtheist 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlmostAtheist
    But the ones I do control, when people treat me badly I tell them "Oh yeah? Well this is MY dream. And when I wake up you'll ALL be gone forever!"

    I forgot about this one. This is another thing I'd like to do. I'd like to try to convince one of the characters in my dream that they are jus that -- a character in my dream. How would I do it? How did you tell them? Did they believe you?

    I told Zach -- my 7 yr old -- that I was doing the exercise about asking if I'm dreaming or not. He said, "Dad, you're awake. You're not dreaming." I told him, "But that's EXACTLY what you'd say if you were in my dream! So how can I really know?"

    The look on his face was priceless. He makes me think about new stuff all the time, it's nice to send a new thought sailing across HIS brain now and again!


  • Cygnus

    Yeah, they usually believe me and they either get weirded out or like I said, very sad. If they DON'T believe me and I'm really pissed at them, I can make them disappear. Then everybody else in the dream really take me seriously. Yeah, it's a god-complex of some sort. What I hate is when I'm in control of my dreams so I can remember them and it seems like days pass and when I wake up it's only been an hour. Exhausting, as lucid dreaming usually occurs in short spurts and then I wake up and the pattern goes on all night. If I get a solid 8-10 hours of uninterrupted sleep, I usually don't dream, or at least don't remember dreaming.

  • vitty

    They started a few months ago. the first time it happened I dont remember dreaming anything, then an image of a really evil person, a man, was standing by my bedroom door. I screamed and my heart was pounding, then I went back to sleep.

    From then on the image has got closer and closer each time. Then one night , I wasnt asleep, but had my eyes closed, I felt as if someone had sat down on the bed next to me.

    The latest was a couple of nights ago, I couldnt sleep but then I thought, dreamed I dont know, that mu husband has rolled on top of me, I tried to tell him to get off but couldn t speak or move, I could hear my husband next to me so realized it wasnt him, With all my might I screamed and managed to punch my husband really hard LOL, Anyway, im really scared to go to sleep now.

    I know its not evil spirits or anything, but my imagination, The thing is Im not aware of dreaming until this "thing" suddenly does something, I dont know what its going to do next, thats the problem how can I control it.

    Ive used to suffer from sleep paralysis when I was a teen,

  • vitty

    They started a few months ago. the first time it happened I dont remember dreaming anything, then an image of a really evil person, a man, was standing by my bedroom door. I screamed and my heart was pounding, then I went back to sleep.

    From then on the image has got closer and closer each time. Then one night , I wasnt asleep, but had my eyes closed, I felt as if someone had sat down on the bed next to me.

    The latest was a couple of nights ago, I couldnt sleep but then I thought, dreamed I dont know, that mu husband has rolled on top of me, I tried to tell him to get off but couldn t speak or move, I could hear my husband next to me so realized it wasnt him, With all my might I screamed and managed to punch my husband really hard LOL, Anyway, im really scared to go to sleep now.

    I know its not evil spirits or anything, but my imagination, The thing is Im not aware of dreaming until this "thing" suddenly does something, I dont know what its going to do next, thats the problem how can I control it.

    Ive used to suffer from sleep paralysis when I was a teen,

  • TD

    It's happened to me several times, always in the 3:00AM to 5:00AM area. You're right, it is the ultimate feeling of power especially if you're prone to the "no pants on in church" type of dreams anyway.

  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    Yes, and it's totally Cool! it started when I was about 9, I would picture a tv screen in my mind with those old knobs they had, I would then change the channel and different themes would show on screen then I'd simply pick which one I wanted to be in and jump in, it was AWSOME! I was able to this for a long time, although I no longer used the tv screen, I would just think about what I wanted to dream, close my eyes and there I was, other times in the dream I become aware and pretty much do anything I want, I must say the most amazing ones have been when I can fly, it's so real.

    It's been awhile since I've done it, hopefully one of these days I can do so again.


  • IP_SEC

    For any one who hasnt done it, it feels so real that you literally cannot tell you are dreaming except for the fantastic things you can do which cannot be done in real life.

    Was that a run on sentance?

    *awaits destruction by the literary gods*

  • AlmostAtheist

    I've been working at it all day, "Is this a dream?" -- "Am I dreaming now?" -- hopefully a lucid dream awaits me tonight.

    Thanks for all the input, folks.


  • Gerard

    I used to do it often for about 3 years. I learned to provoke and control (lucid) dreams with the help of Patricia Garfield PhD. She uses lucid dreaming as a major tool:

  • dezpbem

    I once read "Exploring the world of lucid dreaming". It was the best book on the subject I found. It worked for me while I stuck to the exercises. It sounds to me like that's the book your reading too.

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