My new boss took me out last night.

by Es 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Es

    what i was saying when i wrote that is more that he is a classic when he is drunk, that he is funny not that he is an alcoholic, he runs his own accountancy and consulting services he doesnt have the time to be an alcoholic.

    perhaps i should have worded it different


  • yaddayadda

    No problem Es. Sorry again. Hope you enjoy your new job and boss.

  • Es

    no stress and thanks


  • Legolas
  • Es

    LOL pretty much legolas


  • luna2

    es, is this the boss upstairs, the one that was paying you half wages because he had to train you? Or did you already get a different job? LOL I'm so confused!

  • tetrapod.sapien

    cool Es! he sounds like a cool boss!

    my boss is super hot. but we are so not in the same caste. she is like 37 year old jaguar driving power woman, and i am scruffy bearded pinger of servers. it will never happen, i think. LOL.

    but...but...every friday at my company, from 3-5 there is open bar in the main board room. they have beer and wine and highballs. and everyone in the company gets to partake, even her and I. :D so we do get to drink together.

    also, my cello instructor is a super hot russian babe. but again, different caste. she is a jet set sub in of orchestras all over the world, wined and dined by many wealthy men, and i am scruffy bearded player of vivaldi. oh well, no drinks for us until i after the next recital. :(


  • desbah


    well sounds like you had reminds me of the good ole days...when some of my girlfriends and I would go out after work, we had long day of cutting and styling hair....we would have a smoke and a drink before heading home but now I'm a friend of Bill. (clean and sober)


  • Es

    hey Luna yeah same boss, he decided not to go ahead with that arrangement, must have found out it was illegal. So he has paid me for all the days i have worked so far and will continue to do so which is great.


  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hey Es, sounds like you had a great time, good for you. I am so glad you enjoyed yourself

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