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by jambon 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Miss_MG

    The guilty feeling will pass just think about why you are here and read the experiences other people have had it will help a lot and welcome to the forum.

  • Cygnus

    Maybe if you quit banging your sister's husband some of that guilt will subside.

    Welcome. :)

  • dedpoet

    Jambon and Mariposa,

    Welcome to you both!

    Believe me, the guilt you feel now will pass, and quicker than you think

  • AuldSoul

    Welcome to you both! The feelings of guilt will pass once you realize that only a few of us are frothing at the mouth.

    The freedom to weigh any evidence you wish to consider to determine if it has merit will be a refreshing change, when it sinks in.


  • fullofdoubtnow

    Welcome jambon, and there is nothing about being here to feel guilty about. I hope you stay with us and enjoy yourself.

  • mouthy

    Hello to you Mariposa and welcome Yes Mariposa!!!! Please pray about the guilty feeling your experiencing- The Watchtower holds people after they have implanted the mind controlling thought that the Organization is the WAY! TRUTH! LIFE!!!! it is the biggest lie they have -because the Father told us to listen to the son! -That HE was WAY TRUTH LIFE- you can have two ways only ONE!!!! Enjoy your stay with us.... Lovely to see minds being opened hearts also- as well as EYES!!!! ((((HUGS from Granny)

  • mariposa

    Hey...Thanks for the welcomes...

    Nate & guys made me chuckle

    Geesh, I don't think I've prayed in months, little difficult not really knowing what to believe anymore. I just keep seeing the big man upstairs shaking his finger at me and if I don't get back on track, that big thumb's gonna come down and smush me out of existence!

    At times I feel like an idiot for ever getting involved with jw's in the first place, then I wish I was back there...go figure

  • telltruth

    welcome jambon and mariposa.. there are so many nice, caring and understanding people here, good luck....... :telltruth:

  • mouthy

    that big thumb's gonna come down and smush me out of existence!

    Well my reading of the Bible say's He is a GOD of love !!! Cant see a loving GOD doing that . But if your shunning him... Its no differant to the WT shunning us- they mustnt speak to us- but WE can speak to HIM ANYTIME try it who know you may like it ((((HUG)))

  • clear2c

    hi mariposa and jambon, I always try and remember that jehovah (yes i still call him that) so loved "the world" (ironic the wtbs hates "the world") he gave his only begotten son as a ransom sacrifice so that we mite be saved. This flys in the face of the wtbs doctrine that god is angry and going to destroy everything thats not jw or those that havent published enough magazines etc. I have never worried about men (wtbs) being upset with me because they dont get there way (pioneering) or money (publishing) in my mind when arrmeggdon comes for that matter he may destroy the wicked ness without destroying the human body or may destroy the human body without destroying our soul... for all we know.. bottom line is He so loved the world

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