Hello to all

by mariposa 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billygoat

    (((((Mariposa)))))) Welcome! Sorry to hear about all the ills right now. Just remember nothing stays the same. It will change in time.

  • Cellist

    Hello Mariposa. I'm sorry to hear that you're going through a trialsome time. Hope everything gets better for you soon. I know I've had my share of those kind of days. It always seems like they'll never end, but they do.

    Don't feel bad about taking awhile to get up the nerve to post. It took me about two years. I'm glad you're here.


  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Greetings mariposa

    I'm very sorry to read of the loss of your cat. I worry about my two little dogs. They've gotten very old.

    I have no magic words or quotations for you, just goodwill and a welcome.


  • Balsam


    Hope Saturday is better for you. We all have crappy days. I did too yesterday. Found out my children's father has colon cancer, and my husband was laid off his job yesterday by his very nasty hateful boss. But we will be fine and who knows what good things lie ahead of us.


  • Es

    Welcome to the board.

    So sorry you have had a shocking day, we are here for you

    Look forward to hearing more


  • Honesty

    Hello Mariposa and welcome to the truth about da troof.

    I'm sorry to hear about your cat. I have 4 and it would get to me if one of them came up missing.

  • Sam the Man
    Sam the Man

    Hi Mari,

    Welcome... I hope this bad time passes soon... please know that it will pass.

  • mariposa


    Thank you so much everyone for saying hi. I appreciate all the advice,opinions, and support

    Today was much better, my little girl seems to have recovered from the trauma..I guess we're ok for another 2 months. But I miss my kitty Pepe ALOT!

    Thanks again!!

  • kbare

    Im so sorry your feeling like this at the moment....i can relate... hugs.

    Sorry about your cat...two of my dogs have died the past year both got hit by a car, so i know how you feel.

    Hope you feel better soon.

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