well it gives you something to research
Brothers committed suicide over 1914
by stev 11 Replies latest watchtower scandals
There must be some evidence or indications in old WT publications about the 1914 predictions. Maybe some newspapers from 1910-1915 could shed some light on the effect it had on the Bible Students of those years. My guess is though it was over shadowed by the WWI news coverage. Maybe Barbara Anderson could be of help with this. I am quite interested in this subject. Interesting that history repeated itself in 1975, and very few would see through it. It is really disgusting how many peoples lifes were and still are ruined by this type of scam. The effects of 1975 are still very present today. I am thinking already for quite some time that the society is up for a new version of the 1975 debacle, somewhere in the next 2 decades or so. It would explain the efforts to hide and falsify their own history. Although many quit after '75, the net result of increase was really big. It is hard for these greedy GB 2.0 members not to do the same exercise again on their watch. Hopefully the internet will help us to stop it in time.