After many months of letting the junk pile up, me and my husband set out to tackle cleaning up the garage today so that I could start parking my car in there again as the cold weather is coming.
As we were working he said to me "okay these Jehovah's Witnesses books have to go". When we first moved in three years ago, I had taken all of my JW books and put them into a storage container out in the garage. At that point I felt like I was betraying Jehovah if I threw out the books.
Well three years later and I said "okay, but first we must rip out my name out of them all". We didn't know the next time we would get out to the beach in order to burn them, so we ripped out the first page and just threw them all in the recycling bin (its full now) and now my house (and my heart) are cleansed of the JW propaganda.
I told my husband "I hope someone at the dumps doesn't pull out a book and then get on an assembly part saying they found the troof in the trash". Whatever -- they are gone now and life is good.