by West70 41 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Cygnus
    In the meantime, please be assured that the current difference in point of view, and the separation in ties that has occurred as a result, does not mean that we love our children less

    Bullshit. Their kids are now signed on with the wild beast and have become haters of righteousness and lovers of badness according to their religion. What does the Watchtower say about family members who leave the faith? It says they wish they could kill them like Hebrew law stated, but alas the laws of the land prevents them from doing so. Even so, Jehovah will eventually kill them. Sick.


    w52 11/15 p. 703 Questions from Readers ***


    the case of where a father or mother or son or daughter is disfellowshiped [disassociated], how should such person be treated by members of the family in their family relationship?—P. C., Ontario, Canada.

    We are not living today among theocratic nations where such members of our fleshly family relationship could be exterminated for apostasy from God and his theocratic organization, as was possible and was ordered in the nation of Israel in the wilderness of Sinai and in the land of Palestine. . . Being limited by the laws of the worldly nation in which we live and also by the laws of God through Jesus Christ, we can take action against apostates only to a certain extent, that is, consistent with both sets of laws. The law of the land and God’s law through Christ forbid us to kill apostates, even though they be members of our own flesh-and-blood family relationship. However, God’s law requires us to recognize their being disfellowshiped from his congregation.


    w82 5/15 pp. 24-25 How You Must Act! ***

    No enemy of Jehovah and of Christ the King will survive! The Bible here shows that the mighty ones of the earth—the rulers of the nations, the military leaders, the wealthy business magnates—and all who support them, whether conscripted or volunteers, will have to meet up with Jehovah’s judgment. They will have no way to flee! Their selfish schemes and efforts to preserve this old wicked system will fail. They will be forced to see that heaven’s favor is not upon them.

  • DannyHaszard

    I posted this story at two news forums and emailed the heads up to all 61 news outlets that ran the story,cause that's what i do.

  • Leolaia

    Danny...Have a tall cold one on me.

  • lucifer

    i am so glad this was printed, more ppl need to know what really goes on in this cult, i hate the fact that they disassociate people,its crazy i was in that cult for i dunno maybe 7 years, i was baptized for a few of em, and i never heard of it! isnt that weird, i knew about disfellowshipping, but when we stopped going, and my mom wrote a letter to the elders saying we no long were in their religion my parents told me my old friend wouldnt be talking to me anymore...not by her choice..but as a type of rule for ppl who disassociate themselves, lets clear something up :i did disassociate myself from that crazy religion, NOT from my friends,...some friend

  • TheOldHippie

    Carla wrote "The child found his policy of inaction an action in itself."

    That is exactly what left political thinking would say - and have said and continue to say - about this, and I am not trying to speak negatively about left political thought here. The reasoning is, that if you have a left, let us call it Socialist, government win an election or come to power, like in Chile some years ago, or Cuba today, then a group not participating in the political life, like the JWs, will in fact work for a turnover back to the capitalist system, they will be anti-government, because Socialism means that the whole people should participate in political action and build a new society. The, on the other hand, in a capitalist society, a group like the JWs, being inactive, will in fact work for a status quo, because the ruling capitalist government is interested in prolonging the system and is not interested in change.

    So a JW in a capitalist society is indirectly working for capitalism and he is anti-socialist, which means pro-government. A JW in a socialist society is also indirecly working for capitalism and he is anti-capitalist, which means anti-government. A neutral JW is therefore always anti-left and pro-right.

  • rebel8

    Is this story anywhere online that doesn't require registration? I'd like to distribute the link but people are much less likely to go to it if they have to register to read the story.

  • West70

    Sorry about the above link. I used it several times yesterday without it tripping the Registration screen. But, yes, it is now doing so.

    The following link at the same originating newspaper just worked:

    However, use this link first, or tryin both in the same seesion may cause the second link to trip the screen.

    Thanks for passing this along to others.

    Also, BIG THANKS to Danny Hazard for his continuous efforts at exposing the many monstrous faces of this satanic CULT!!!

  • FairMind
    Graduates of Washington High School in Massillon, the Woodliffs said they had a strict upbringing based on their parents' faith, and that the real trouble began when they announced their intentions to become Marines.

    If these men were baptized JWs then in all fairness they knew the consequences of joining the military. If they were baptized then I have no pity for them because they thorough their actions chose to disassociate themselves from all other JWS. If they were not baptized then shunning them is unfair.

  • West70


    You "have no pity" for these two SHUNNED fellow humans assuming they were "baptized" as children?

    That's certainly a unique judgment for someone posting on this DB.

  • theinfamousone

    its all very nice to say that those who left made a consciencious decision to leave the cult... thats fine, of course we did... we did not make a decision to be treated as dirt by our family, our friends to be completely shunned by these people... its the only "religion" i know of that will tell someone else that they can be shunned just for not shunning someone else who decided not to be with them in church... HOW CAN CHURCH BE THAT IMPORTANT??? they are willing to kick out their 18 year old son, and make him live on his own, probably even spending quite a few hungry nights... OH YEAH JEHOVAHS WITNESSES ACT ONLY OUT OF LOVE!! ...

    the infamous one

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