Re: Witness Youth and Education

by Inquisitor 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • seattleniceguy


    Great post, and welcome to the board.

    I think you make a great point about what the Society is truly pushing. On a lot of issues (another example is the internet), the Society knows that a completely hardline position would be seen as unreasonable by people both inside and outside the religion. So they are careful to print softer statements once in a while to present the appearance of a more balanced position. However, it's easy to see what the actual position is by observing the culture in the hall, which is affected by non-printed materials, such as talks at the assemblies and visits by the CO.

    For example, how many times have you heard a CO talk like this: "Now, brothers, the April 19xx WT says that it is possible to attend college and maintain our faithfulness to God. But is the Society really saying that we should all attend college? Hasn't the Society's position always been that we should put Kingdom interests first, and use our time to pioneer?" Etc, etc. So the spoken instruction can be used to countermand the written instruction, which remains as a mere showpiece to make outsiders believe that the position is more lenient than it actually is.

    Another advantage to this double-speak is that later, when people are angry that they didn't go to college and are still washing windows at 60 years of age, the Society can point back to a few snippets and say, "Hey, we didn't tell you not to go to college. We said it was a conscience matter."

    The point is, the culture in the halls is carefully constructed and maintained. And by intentionally never praising youths that do go to college, they implicitly show that this is not truly an acceptable path. JWs who choose to go to college will be considered fringe, mildly rebellious, half-Witnesses, not quite as spiritual as young John and Jane Pioneercouple. So although the Society sometimes prints concilliatory statements, its true position on college is clear.


  • Inquisitor

    Hello SNG

    Am also glad to be here. Thank you and thanks for that awesome feedback! Same goes to the rest of ya on this thread.

    It is important that Witnesses and interested ones realize that the although the WTS's position on education seemed to have changed in theory these past few years, in PRACTICE it has not! The organization has NOT become more liberal in this matter, they've just improved their media image. Ask any witness youth who has/is pursuing higher education!

    You cannot fake love. You cannot fool them. They know when they're being overlooked. And they know what that means: this organization never gave a green light for further studies.

    The WTS should answer for this duplicity! They owe an explanation to their own youths and one to the "sin-infested" world whose favour they are trying to win with misleading assertions!


  • Inquisitor

    Is it true that this weekend's WT deals with youths and education? Or is that next week's issue?


  • Dune

    its next week's. Its funny cause i was scheduled to read next week's but i managed to exchange and do today's. I dont know if the guy who made the list was trying to spite me or not.

  • Inquisitor

    lol maybe he feared you might read the passages with hint of sarcasm, dune.

    good to hear you are doing well in the congregation though.

    so you mean this coming sunday deals with the education topic, am i right?


  • caligirl

    I grew up in an area graced by an Ivy League college. Since we were the only congregation within 30 miles, any witnesses would attend our hall. Over the years, I recall 3 witnesses (yes, 3) coming through the school and being actively involved in meetings, etc. Of course being Ivy League, there needed to be either much money in their families or a big fat full boat scholarship. To my knowledge, they all remain witnesses today. Funny thing is that the fact that they were in college was RARELY mentioned. Everyone knew that they were students, but it was as if talking about it was not allowed, and it was always assumed that someone was making them go. One was there for business school, one I never knew WHAT she studied, and one was some kind of music major. But that is all I know. None of us was ever invited to a graduation ceremony even if we were somewhat close to the person. No party was ever held to celebrate their graduations either. Just my observations of how their being in college was treated.

  • Inquisitor

    I know of this youth who was having a friendly chat when an older brother came up to say hi to the young man. Instead of saying, "How's uni, Josh?" The older brother, with arms across his chest, and a self-satisfied smile plastered on his face, asked: "And how is the wisdom of the world, Josh?" <eye-roll>

  • Dune

    In the middle of my first semester, i was setting up the stage and this sister asked me what i was doing with my life. When i told her that i was in college, she had the audacity to ask me "Why not go to bethel?". I consider myself a very nice and calm person, but that was one of the few times that i felt i would resort to some form of violence.

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