Earthquakes - sign of times?

by Qcmbr 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Qcmbr

    8 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these [are] the beginnings of sorrows.

    Is it just me or does the impact of earthquakes seem to be fulfilling end time prophecy (assuming Jesus does turn up soon:)

    I highlighted in red the ones that are for the last 100 years and also note that the current Kashmir stats aren't in but they are over 70000 estimated dead.

    January 23, 1556China, Shansi830,000~8
    December 26, 2004Sumatra283,106 9.0Deaths from earthquake and tsunami.
    July 27, 1976China, Tangshan255,000
    7.5Estimated death toll as high as 655,000.
    August 9, 1138Syria, Aleppo230,000
    May 22, 1927China, near Xining200,0007.9Large fractures.
    December 22, 856+Iran, Damghan200,000
    December 16, 1920China, Gansu200,0007.8Major fractures, landslides.
    March 23, 893+Iran, Ardabil150,000
    September 1, 1923Japan, Kanto
    143,0007.9Great Tokyo fire.
    October 5, 1948USSR
    (Turkmenistan, Ashgabat)
    December 28, 1908Italy, Messina70,000 to 100,000
    7.2Deaths from earthquake and tsunami.
    September, 1290China, Chihli100,000
    November, 1667Caucasia, Shemakha80,000
    November 18, 1727Iran, Tabriz77,000
    November 1, 1755Portugal, Lisbon70,0008.7Great tsunami.
    December 25, 1932China, Gansu70,0007.6
    May 31, 1970Peru66,0007.9$530,000,000 damage, great rock slide, floods.
    1268Asia Minor, Silicia60,000
    January 11, 1693Italy, Sicily60,000
    May 30, 1935Pakistan, Quetta30,000 to 60,0007.5Quetta almost completely destroyed.
    February 4, 1783Italy, Calabria50,000
    June 20, 1990Iran50,0007.7Landslides.

    + Note that these dates are prior to 1000 AD. No digit is missing.

  • mrsjones5

    well I would like to say it's just you...

    be that as it may, I don't think so


  • Sam the Man
    Sam the Man

    Read 'The sign of the last days- When?' by Carl Olof Jonnson and it will all become clear to you. The 14th century was much worse than our times, and thats just one example. Dont be so narrow minded as to believe that we are unique.

  • Qcmbr

    Before this gets a 'rag on Qcmbr' thread look at what I posted and respond to it - not me - I haven't said it is a sign of the times (see the squiggly sign at the end of the topic) I just came across the stats and thought it would be an interesting coversation based around the numbers.

  • Qcmbr

    Anyway - I am unique - there are no other salad vegetables on this forum.

  • Sam the Man
    Sam the Man

    But you said 'Is it just me or does the impact of earthquakes seem to be fulfilling end time prophecy' so by your own admission you believe that it fulfills end time prophecy!

  • Sam the Man
    Sam the Man

    I see...another dense moment. Sorry, it's the alcohol. Wife sending me to it and all that. Proceed.

  • TD

    I don't think your list is nearly complete

    Year Location Est. Deaths
    AD 532 Syria 130,000 AD 678 Syria 170,000 AD 893 India 180,000 AD 1139 Iran 100,000 AD 1201 Egypt,Syria 1,100,000
    AD 1641 Iran 300,000 AD 1662 China 300,000 AD 1669 Sicily 100,000 AD 1703 Japan 100,000 AD 1721 Iran 100,000 AD 1730 China 100,000 AD 1730 Japan 137,000 AD 1737 India 300,000 AD 1780 Iran 100,000 AD 1850 China 300-400,000 AD 1876 Bay of Bengal 215,000

  • Qcmbr

    I was just saying that statistically it does seem that earthquake impacts are getting more deadly - if Jesus didn't turn up for another 1000 years it would be a done and dusted point since clearly it was nothing to do with end time prophecy..

    I was also intrigued by another ref which could be argued is part of a parable about the last days..:

    8 ΒΆ Woe unto them that join house to house, [that] lay field to field, till [there be] no place, that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth!

    Maybe Narkissos or Leo. could enlighten us as to why this would be of significance to the Jews (us) - do I need to sell my terrace :)

  • Qcmbr

    ..anyone fancy doing a graph? I'd expect that they should be getting more deadly since more people are around these days - if the graph showed a decline/steady line then that would potentially be a refutation in earthquakes as any 'sign' that the end is nigh.

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