Young People Ask-Chat Rooms-How Can I avoid the dangers *gag alert*
by doodle-v 23 Replies latest jw friends
What I want to know is....If this is an article about the "dangers" of chat rooms, why is there a picture of "wordly people" smoking and drinking and doing drugs?? Is this supposed to imply that chat rooms are as sinful as these things?
Excellent point doodle-v... Actually this is a common theme with JW's. Someone posted a pic last week about them going on about a balanced view of the internet (or something like that) and the illustration they used was a guy with a laptop and what do you suppose he had beside him? A lit cigarette. Its all about the subliminal messages in the art that they hope to implant in the sheeps heads as well as the text.
Yup. I saw that thread too.. LOL this year they are really going overboard with INTERNET INTERNET!!! DANGER DANGER!!!
Thoughout this entire article they keep repeating the words DANGER and HAZARD.. I think i might actually count how many times those words appear in this article..LOL
I'll bet there are over a dozen at least.
" I regularly chatted for 3 or 4 hours a day. Sometimes I'd chat for 6 or 8 hours" -Jose
And ya know what else? Mom and Dad sit on their asses and watch tv from 3-6 hours a day too.
Read the paragraph under "Introducing Moral Corruption" What a hoot!! "I was in a chat room with a group of people who I thought were all Jehoober Witlessess" "Before long, it was evident that they were really apostates" -
in a new york bethel minute
What I want to know is....If this is an article about the "dangers" of chat rooms, why is there a picture of "wordly people" smoking and drinking and doing drugs?? Is this supposed to imply that chat rooms are as sinful as these things?
i think it's to imply that if you are talking in chat rooms, you might be tempted to smoke, drink, "hang out", or even have anti-aryan bi-racial intercourse. one thing leads to another, so one thing is as bad as the other, i suppose
in a new york bethel minute
Read the paragraph under "Introducing Moral Corruption" What a hoot!! "I was in a chat room with a group of people who I thought were all Jehoober Witlessess" "Before long, it was evident that they were really apostates"
hahahaha oh man that made me LOL, because of how many times it happens here... and even how many times "opposers" come here thinking that this is a pro-JW site and then we have to tell them, "HEY MAN, WE'RE ON THE SAME PAGE AS YOU!"
and even how many times "opposers" come here thinking that this is a pro-JW site and then we have to tell them, "HEY MAN, WE'RE ON THE SAME PAGE AS YOU!"
ROFL!! I know! I was thinking the same thing.
Check out the caption above the picture "wisely, show your parents your online destinations"
Yeah, right!
So, uhh dad, like, what do you think of
Pathetic...really pathetic. Its embarrassing to look at this Young People Ask junk and remember how I used to feel guilty because I rarely went over the articles with my kids. At least I didn't stand around with the other dubettes talking about what a grand provision from Jah this timely information was.
LOL Just practicing the picture thing.