Yep, I'm a fake publisher. Have been for quite a while.
Yes, the August figures could bail them out. It sometimes looks suspicious.
by truthseeker 34 Replies latest jw friends
Yep, I'm a fake publisher. Have been for quite a while.
Yes, the August figures could bail them out. It sometimes looks suspicious.
My bet is on another 0% growth year.
Most businesses show a 'flatline' for a few years before they decline out of existence.
Hurrah for the nonincrease, but with a little judicial annointing of the numbers (an out right lie) they will have zero growth or an increase. I mean 15 minutes who is kidding who here.
Peole lie about their time anyway except for the few diehards.
Is this the first year when the minimum time permitted is 15 minutes? That would make matters worse. Lowering the standards and still losing publishers is very telling.
Yep, I'm a fake publisher.
Oh, come on, meta, give 'em the flick!
"Get out of her my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins"
I also agree that their figures their statistics can't be trusted because the dubs hand in inflated figures to get the elders and COs off their backs and it would also be naive to believe that the GB are truthful as we all know well that they quite a manipulative and deceitful lot. They do the same with the "annointed" figures which should be near zero by now and instead stand at 8000.
The figures of course don't really matter to those left in the borg... If they go up they all say "Wow, what super evidence that we are God's chosen people - look he's still increasing the numbers after all these years." If they go down they all say "Wow, what super evidence that we are God's chosen people - for it says 'the love of the greater number will wear off'"... The more that desert, the more those left will entrench I fear.
Hahaha ... my wife was a virgin to fake time reporting ... until this month ...
The family that fakes field service together ... stays together ....
I imagine if everyone was really truthful with their field service time there would be some SERIOUS DECREASES.
Is this the first year when the minimum time permitted is 15 minutes?
The 15-minute rule is used only for sick, disabled or extremely old JWs who can't get out any more. They have to be pre-approved by the elder body to be allowed to use this feature. Just any JW can't turn in 15 minutes a month.
km 3/03 pp. 4-5 Be Zealous for What Is Good! ***Are there infirm publishers in your book study group who have great difficulty sharing in the ministry? If some are in residential care facilities or are confined to their homes, it is understandable that their opportunities to witness will be limited. But by taking advantage of their limited opportunities to let their light shine, they may move those who see their fine works to take a real interest in the truth. (Matt. 5:16) Book study overseers should be sure that such ones know that they can report field service activity in increments of 15 minutes. Being able to report the time they spend witnessing encourages these faithful publishers, and it brings them joyful satisfaction. It also helps to ensure that the worldwide report of the activities of God’s people is accurate.
km 3/02 p. 5 "Gifts in Men" Eagerly Shepherd God’s Flock ***Valuing
the Infirm: Loving undershepherds are also concerned about those who could be overlooked. Associated with every congregation are some who are infirm, confined to nursing homes, or otherwise incapacitated. Their share in proclaiming the Kingdom message is understandably limited because of their circumstances. Perhaps their opportunity to speak out may come only through contacts with visitors, other patients, or caregivers. Nevertheless, whatever they are able to do is viewed as a valuable contribution to the overall preaching work. (Matt. 25:15) Even if they witness for just 15 minutes, this should be reported, and they will continue to be counted as regular Kingdom publishers.
*** km 10/02 p. 8 How Congregation Book Study Overseers Show Personal Interest ***
As a Loving Shepherd: The book study overseer is interested in those who because of their circumstances are able to have only a small share in the preaching work. He makes sure that those who are very limited because of advanced age or because of being shut-ins and those who are temporarily limited because of serious illness or injury are aware of the provision that allows them to report field service time in 15-minute increments if they are not able to report a complete hour during one month. (The Congregation Service Committee determines who qualifies for this provision.) He also takes an interest in those assigned to the group who may be inactive, striving to help them resume their activity with the congregation.—Luke 15:4-7.
My husband and I count the time we spend enlightening people in any way ie telling them the truths about the WTS, the Bible lies and contradictions, the Jesus myths, the Sumerians, the Three Minute Powerpause by John Haricharan, my time posting here, anything that can help people open their eyes and untie the yoke of Religion and falsehood, empower and enlighten them,that is our ministry and that is the time we report, hey they just want some hours right? Eventually, I know we will probably leave, but for now we just play the game.