I know this is kind of a joke but I was wondering what would happen if Russell, Rutherford, Knorr, Franz and Milton Henschel all met up for a meeting to discuss the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society/JW's and how to run it today? Russell would probably say " I am the faithful and discreet slave" Rutherford would say to Russell "no you are not that is "old light" I am the faithful and discreet slave class along with my associates" and then Nathan Knorr would tell them both that they are both wrong the Governing Body is the faithful and discreet slave class. And also Knorr would tell Charles T Russell he would be disfellowshipped for wearing his beard. And Fred Franz would tell all three of them that he is the "prophet-like" class of the WT society. Then Henschel would step up and say "sorry guys we have tons of "new light" since the 4 of you died. Can you imagine the zig-zag confusion these 5 guys would have with all of the "new light" and changes since the WT society came about with Charles T. Russell as the first President until Milton Henschel as the last official President.
What do you think would happen if Russell,Rutherford,Knorr,Franz,Hensc met?
by booker-t 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Nate Merit
Rutherford would open a can of whup-ass on all of 'em.
well... if they all were capable of meeting together, i would have to steal the time machine that brought them all to the same era, and then i would go back to the time of russell, before the whole BIBLE STUDENTS BS... and then i would use a machete and chop him up into little pieces.. then there would be no annoying bible thumpers knocking on my door at ten am on a saturday morning when im hungover as hell... BASTARDS
the infamous one
I know this is kind of a joke but I was wondering what would happen if Russell, Rutherford, Knorr, Franz and Milton Henschel all met up for a meeting to discuss the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society/JW's and how to run it today?
Well, if you woulda kept up on the spiritual food I was feeding everyone in one of my threads.....you woulda seen that these boys you mentioned ARE together at this moment, reigning in the heavens and directing the slave class on earth today as to how to run the Organisation. Now.....go read that stuff.
What do you think would happen if Russell,Rutherford,Knorr,Franz,Hensc met?
What do you think would happen if Russell,Rutherford,Knorr,Franz,Hensc met?I think Russell (died 1916), Rutherford and Fred Franz did know each other during the same time period.
Rutherford (died 1942), Fred Franz, Knorr and Henschel also were JWs (BS) during the same time period
I don't think Knorr (4-23-05; not baptized until 1923) and Henschel (8-29-20) were old enough to have known Russell though.
Blondie ya little knucklhead.....he said IF they met. Besides.....now their all together and look like girls cuz their a bride class wearin wedding dresses.
First,they would meet in secret somewhere, away from the prying eyes of Ted Jaracz.
Then they would set up judicial committees on each other for various "sins" (Russell for celebrating Christmas, Rutherford for drinking, Knorr for not treating the flock with kindness, Freddy for authoring books from delusional thinking, use your imagination.......)
Blondie ya little knucklhead.....he said IF they met. Besides.....
Just not a witty or creative as you guys, Gumby.
But it made me thank that there was quite a bit of overlap in their lifetimes.
Russell--talkative and gregarious, rumored that his wife did write the first few of the Studies in the Scriptures...does seem to be a drop in quality after she left.
Rutherford--bombastic, lawyer type, rumored that Fred Franz wrote his stuff, but I think he wrote most of the repetitive tripe that he said the angels conveyed to him
Franz--had a strange speaking voice but he mesmerized the audiiences as he weaved his version of the future; resident Oracle, I would stay except for the Second Adventists that influenced Russell, the most influential prophet of the WTS
Knorr--boring speaker, boring, did I say boring. All business. Left the prophecy to Franz.
Henschel--long time secretary of Knorr. Probably spent more time with Knorr than Audrey, Knorr's wife did. Never heard him speak, but if his pictures are any predictor....boring.
But of course you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
Blondie (no I did not meet Russell or Rutherford, but family members did)
No Apologies
with Charles T. Russell as the first President until Milton Henschel as the last official President.
Umm.... As has been pointed out recently on a thread somewhere, Russell was not the first president, and Milty was certainly not the last.
No Apologies( of the splitting-hairs-whether-they-need-splitting-or-not class)
Theye'd all pull out their Freemason rings and wink.