bad day, bad year

by Cygnus 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    You're a real trooper Cygnus. I'm about your age and have some joint flair ups that come and go. But they're nothing compared to the Job-like stuff you face. I'm rooting for you! Here's to a better tomorrow.

  • Cygnus

    joint flareups... yeah I get those. I also had open heart surgery 3 years ago to replace a leaking valve... would be dead by now for sure if I didn't have that done, or lived in 1955. I figure I have 25 more years left until I die unless medical science improves drastically.

  • TheListener

    I'm sorry for your current life and medical situation Cygnus. You'll be in my prayers.

    Funny, but all the time I was an dub I didn't really pray for people very often. I just covered everyone with a blanket "please take care of your people around the world who are undergoing trials and tribulations."

    Now, that I'm not a dub (at least in mind) anymore I say longer more heartfelt prayers and mention many friends who are in need by name. I feel so much closer to God than I ever did.

    Good luck Cygnus. I hope things take a turn for the better.

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