Utopian society = no interracial marriage

by coolhandluke 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • GentlyFeral

    That's odd. In every congregation I ever attended, there was at least one interracial marriage. I never heard any untoward comments about them, either. But then, I lived on the US's Left Coast; that might have explained it. Maybe it's a regional thing.


  • TheListener

    Can someone post a scan of the keep on the watch picture with the interracial couple.

    In the WTS depiction of paradise I've never seen any interracial couple.

    I've known plenty and have never heard an untoward word about it.

  • under74
    That's odd. In every congregation I ever attended, there was at least one interracial marriage. I never heard any untoward comments about them, either. But then, I lived on the US's Left Coast; that might have explained it. Maybe it's a regional thing.

    Same hear....in my congregation it only mattered how much money you made. There was more than one interracial marraige in the KH. It was the poor people they looked down upon as a whole.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I date anyone I like, no matter what race or race mix. What matters to me is the person, the individual. I have seen beautiful men in each race. And beautiful to me, may not be beautiful to you.

  • coolhandluke
    And beautiful to me, may not be beautiful to you.

    I'm with you 100%. It just bothered me when I was a kid to have a label that proceeded my name. I get reminded verbally every day that I have dark skin. It comes in the form of a joke or some stupid comment but it comes. I hate it. It programs me to wonder, "Does that girl not like me because I'm brown?" No, she doesn't like you because shes got a boyfriend. Social programming pisses me off. I just see it a lot in wt publications. The mixes of race make me happy, give me hope.

    When I learned spanish I became known as "the black guy who speaks spanish". That was my designation. Someone once asked me "What do you consider yourself? Black, African American, Colored? What?" I consider myself Dominick, one of the baddest muthaf**kers of all time. That is that.

  • FlyingHighNow

    CHL, I find a lot of black men to be yummy attractive.

    I lived in Hawaii for nearly a year in 2001. Over there, I was a minority. I could go in Wal-mart and not see another white person for three hours. All the advertisements had Asian or Native Hawaiian people on them, like the paper placemats on the trays at McDonalds. It was a lessen I think every white person should have to live and learn, how it feels to be in the minority. I was never mistreated like I hear howlies can be on Oahu. One person told me it was because I treated locals with dignity and respect. But I treat all people I meet that way.

    I would love to see a world where we could forget race. One good thing I liked about the org was that we did forget about race. I went to two congos that were 90 % black. I went to some that were 95 % white. I fit in well in both places. We just didn't think about color.

  • kool aid man
    kool aid man

    For some interesting information on this subject search for this article and see what name first appears. CHILDREN OF A WHITE GOD-A STUDY OF RACIST "CHRISTIAN" THEOLOGIES. I think you will find it very interesting.

  • rebel8

    In my area JW interracial marriages were extremely common.

    I even love the green women on the original Star Trek.

    See now if you're mentioning Trek I'd have thought you would have first mentioned the blue chameleon woman that did the belly dance. She's got it all over the green women.

  • kid-A

    In my area there was an exceedingly high number of interracial marriage, but always black and white. I dont recall ever seeing white-asian mixes in the dubs. However, the black-white marriages exceeded the rate in the general "worldly" population by a long shot. Curious.....

  • coolhandluke

    Canadians aren't as uptight as Americans. You guys are even cool with the mota

    CHL (of the likes to be cool with the mota class)

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