Because he spent all our money on multi-level-marketing crap and this was his last shot at being his own boss. Still has the dream of pioneering....
So who wants to
by lola28 42 Replies latest jw friends
Is he going to work for himself or for an agency ? Let me tell you the first year is going to be hard.lola
He's a reserve agent for them until he meets his quota. My impression is that they are all independent agents but they let him work out of the district office while he gets going. Yeah, I figured it would be another lean year. Can't say I'm looking forward to it.
If he is going into insurance he won't be a pioneer, it really takes up alot of your time. If the companies you work for do not pay good commisions then you have to live on the Brokers fee. If he really is serious about starting this new buissness he won't have any time or energy left over to pioneer. By the way what is the quota for Farmers?
I think it's 4 life policies and 40 P&C or auto to become an agent. Plus he has one year to get his license in the financial 'stuff'.
Well just get ready for whats to come, it may be hard to get started but if he has help he should do okay. If he sets his mind to it the money will be good. So what do you do?lola
I bring home the regular paycheck. I'm an IT person for an insurance administrator.
So are you home yet or are you still at work? And is that your cat in the avatar?
Work til 5:00....almost time to go. Not my cat but how I feel by the time Friday rolls around.
Ahhh look on the bright side, Friday we don't have to work (: