Who Gives a Shyte if Russell was a Freemason or not?

by LittleToe 122 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Frog

    Russell was a conspiracy theorist nobhead, personally I think it speaks allot about him, but no more than the wittless society legacy he left behind...

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Isn't this sort of like hearing the chicken crossing the road joke and then asking if the story is true?

  • dezpbem

    I've seen this thread but ignored it till now. It's been active so many days I couldn't resist anymore.

    Do I give a shyte? No. Got my vote. I don't see how it matters one way or the other.

    Besides...I happen to like masons. I don't think it matters one way or the other. Most masons are christians. Blame the individual for his flaws not the groups he comes from.

  • GermanXJW

    I was looking around and have not found any shyte so I cannot give one.

    No, do not give a shyte...

  • observador

    I think Ianone does.


    I vote that LT go to the Grand Lodge in Ireland and demand to see the book where his name is registered, take a picture and post it here.

    (That should only be a short train ride for you to settle this once and for all!) LT, did you have the book Occult Theocrasy? If so, what do you think about it?


  • Ianone

    LT would never do that. He is content soft pedaling around the obviousness that Freemasonry is a Satanic and powerful secret society. He would have most of us here believe that it is nothing more than a gentlemen's fraternity which donates to local charities - nothing more.

  • LittleToe

    Ianone:For most Masons that's all it is...

    You're using your broad-brush generalisations again.

  • luna2

    I'm pretty sure my old grampa didn't think he was in a Satanic group. Secret, sure. People enjoy being part of exclusive little societies. I'm very sure that he equated being a Mason with being a Christian and was very pleased that they did charitable works.

    He was a self-involved, somewhat melancholy florist who enjoyed being part of something that made him feel special.

  • evergreen

    Doesnt bother me if he liked to walk around in an apron or not and give funny handshakes (different folks ,different strokes). I personally dont know if the man was or not . From what Blondie says . she knows he wasnt.

    But if it were true , he sure as hell set the precedent for all the secretiveness that has gone on ever since in the WT organisation.

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