All Ex-JW's...what made you get out?

by noelle2375 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Carmel

    noelle, being lied to for years and coerced into being baptized so that I could "understand". No understanding came with baptism, nor freedom to ask and get answers to a host of questions. I was kicked out at age 14 for the crime of disobedience. Asked too many questions and told to be quiet.. You just don't engender alegence in youth with those tactics.

    No one has suggested it yet, but you may want to get the book Crisis of Conscience written by a former leader of the Jws. Its an insight into the twisted leadership. Maybe your bf would consider looking at it. By his response you will see whether or not he is capable of detaching himself from the flesh hooks of the organizaiton.

    I wish you well!


  • blondie
  • I quit!
    I quit!

    When I was a witness they told me that when people left the Watchtower it was like a dog returning to its vomit.

    When it got to the point were a nice big bowl of vomit was starting to look pretty tasty compared to what they were serving I left.

    Sorry if I grossed anyone out.

  • skinnyboy

    My own free will helped along by my disgust of hypocrisy!

    Also a little thing called a JC where I told em all go eff themselves!

  • buffalosrfree

    John 17:3 The taking in of knowledge of the supposed channel used by God today. 2Cor.4:4 not being blinded by the b.s. spouted from their mounths.

    Knowledge opened my eyes, especially about 607 BCE.

    Never doing enough in the field service.

    How could they be the channel used by God today when they can't seem to stick to one story.

    revised history accounts

    Their supposed love, get hurt and you disappear, and when you happen to show up people look at you with the jaundiced eye.

    The meetings were so dull, they made me nap almost continually.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    The lack of genuine love, the unscriptual practices, like shunning, the judgemental attitude of those in authority, my own doubts that it was really the truth were the main reasons.

  • delilah

    The lack of REAL genuine love.....the ridiculous rules they burden the flock with....and the talks at the hall, where they always tell you, "You aren't doing enough"......blah, blah, blah......that did the trick.

    Oh, and also the fear they instill in everyone about armaggeddon.....seems to me, they are the ones that are deathly afraid of the big "A"......I'm not afraid of it ....if it comes or not.

  • Berean

    Lies, slander, cover up, and lack of love/compassion.

  • jeanniebeanz


    That what I was reading in my own Bible was not what they were teaching and that when push came to shove, they chose the GBs word over the Bible.

    That they destroy families and fortunes

    That they create a 'blame everyone else for my problems' personality in their followers

    The rate of depression among the second class citizens, excuse me, I meant 'women', in the 'congregations'

    The glazed over 'help me' expressions on their youth

    That they have crippled the minds of their followers so that black is white and white is black

    That they feel they have the right to be in the bedroom with a husband and wife and referee what is and is not allowed between the sheets

    That they say they have love among themselves but truly love no one

    That they use and abuse anyone with money as long as they have it, then throw them away

    That they have lied to us for one hundred years

    The fact that I bought it for so long sickens me.

    Once I figured it out, I left. After I hurled, of course....


  • damselfly

    My will to live got me out.

    All the rules and constant scrutiny and knowing that I didn't think, look or act like them was slowly burying me alive. I had to leave before I lost anymore of my mind.


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