I read a scientific study a few months ago that stated the women where more susceptible to religion than men. (I am trying to find this article as i dont like not backing up my claims. Anyway it got me thinking a lot. Often I observed that there were far more single women and single mothers at the hall, over single men. Often there were suggestions at the hall how married women can make their unbelieving mates come to the borg. Why no such suggestions for men? I really think hard about all of this, since why would women in this day and age accept control from a few domineering elders. It also puts a lot of pressure on the children, such as when I was 16 I would have to give payers as my mother didn’t want to wear a head covering and was frankly embarrassed giving prayers(shifting the embarrassment onto me) as even when there was a brother, he had some mental problem and ... Anyway why do they put up with the crap? Although I make the assumption that there are more women than men, my sister left "the lies" tm. earlier than me and stood up and got DA, I will I had the balls, lol.
% Women vs. % Men in JW
by void 19 Replies latest jw friends
my sister left "the lies" tm. earlier than me and stood up and got DA, I will I had the balls, lol.
Was that in Japan? That would certainly have taken 'balls'. I'm impressed by anyone who stands up for what they believe, wrong or not.
Perhaps women are more gullible than men and fall more easily for the jw propaganda and lies. I also noticed in my KH that there were a lot more women without husbands rather than the other way round.
Women seem to make the emotional connection more than men ... which may be part of the reason.
My wife probably has a lot to say on this point ...
It is more acceptable socially, culturally for women to be religious. Husbands/boyfriends tend to send the little woman to the door when JWs come aknocking.
Who do people see at the door most, female or male JWs? Since there are more female JWs than men in the organization, more female JWs than male are going door to door, and women tend to respond to women at the door, more women end up studying. and becoming JWs. Also men in the Borg tend to be encouraged to "reach out" not for privileges of preaching door to door but for administrative positions and privileges which actually pull them out of the door to door work. Even at Bethel, men get fewer Saturdays off than women; men get 2 off by the time they are 50; women get all of them off by 40.
Religion in general tends to have a large female population but in almost all it is the men who dominate the leadership/administrative roles.
In a divorce, women are more likely to have custody of any young children, and while their ex-husbands (hopefully) pay child support, they are still left with the job of raising the kids and maintaining a home for them.
Of the four or five single moms that I hung out with in my first KH, I was the only one receiving regular child support payments from my ex-husband and none of us had ex's that were available or willing to share caretaking duties. None of us had parents or relatives able to help us much either. Its rather a daunting prospect to face a life like this, especially when you have a limited ability to make a living. Nothing like being left with the responsibility of raising children on a very restricted budget. Not much opportunity for ...anything.
Religion, especially one with an explanation of why the world is so f**ked up and with a message that God not only loves you when it seems no one else does, but is going to fix everything soon (ah, that paradise earth!), is very, very enticing when you are in left alone in such a situation.
luna I deeply symapthise, ... well I dont want to give away too much personal info just yet.
The WT robs people like you the chance to pull yourself out of the troubles you are in, some poor single moms will actualy pioneer. Its almost encouraged, since you are putting hte kingdom first. Except there is no reward in the hall if single moms do such things and there is no help of brotherly love shown, often not been even invited to a party. Maybe I am posing this question because I want an answer on why do they put up with this crap. Jesus said my load is light. Well I told my mother the problems I have with depression (suicidal) directaly induced from the hall, she brushes it off and tells me that if i did more in the truth I would indeed see that his load is light. -
Well I told my mother the problems I have with depression (suicidal) directaly induced from the hall, she brushes it off and tells me that if i did more in the truth I would indeed see that his load is light.
Now that makes a lot of sense - increasing your load to lighten it! Only a cult could come up with that sort of foolish reasoning. Please don't discuss your depression with a member of the cult - talk to your doctor instead. Since you recognize the source of the depression I'd suggest doing something about that.
It always seemed to me there were more women than men in the congregations, though I don't have any statistics. Most of the single men were far beneath the single women, and it was always a source of irritation to me that these women, many of whom were quite HOT, were not getting all the sex they deserved. I wish I could have helped, but I was married at the time.
a source of irritation to me that these women, many of whom were quite HOT, were not getting all the sex they deserved
Amen, definitely my experience. The women outnumbered the men by at least 4-1 in my old dub community. More notably, we never had a male pioneer
in our hall, they were all, young, single, undersexed women......gawd what a life!
71 % of JW's are women, this study shows. It was the highest number among different religions. http://www.gc.cuny.edu/faculty/research_briefs/aris/key_findings.htm Earlier discussion on this very board: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/97173/1.ashx (Sorry I can't link.)