I just read that Kate Moss has been given more modelling jobs now that she's been a whole month "clean" of using cocaine which is how she kept her body at skin and bones. I hear lots of women say they'd "love to have a body like hers", when we know the only way she can keep that skinny is by using drugs. I was told that I was "just jealous" and that "all women would like to be that thin." This sort of shocked me and I find it hard to believe that anyone would want to look like her. I for one have never had a desire to look like that and I would really like to get your input on this one:
Guys, if you had your choice, would you rather sleep with Kate Moss or Kate Winslet? (who starred in Titanic)
And girls, who's body would you prefer to be similar to: Kate Moss or Kate Winslet?