HELP IKEA! I Have a Home Decor Nightmare!

by banished1 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Legolas
    Hey, legolas, youve got a hellava gap under your kitchen door LOL

    LMAO...That door just leads out to the porch not outside!

  • banished1

    Wow! Legolas, your home is sooooo lovely! And there is alot of light! I love the use of color and faux paints. I just got back from the library and got two how to videos on the use of color and faux tricks for the walls. The landlord said it would be ok to paint. So, wow, I have the ok to make some changes.

    Jgnat, thanks for the advice. You are always good for that.
    You are right. The Pioneer women had to suffer their little cabins and be happy with what they had.
    I read briefly about them. Theirs was a tough life. One must focus on the blessings of life and not what one does not have thats for sure. Country life was hard but beautiful and healthy at the same time.

    Billy goat, how fun you work for an interior designer. You must be learning so much!
    Granny smith apple display-----got it!
    I like the idea of separating items that are dear and items that are ho-hum. Good way to get rid of unwanted clutter.
    Legolas'home looks good because she doesnt have it all junked up with clutter
    It looks like a magazine home!

    Thankyou all for the responses. I used to be such a yard saler. I havent been to a yard sale in 4 years!
    I sale now on and recently went out to look at a dining table.......but it was ewwwwww!

    I thought I'd calmed down living here, but I got bit something awful by the decor bug after visiting the malls last week. This evening I feel better after sharing with you all.
    You know how I made myself feel better about my crammed little cabin last night? I burned a pumpkin pie candle! Think I'll light my candle again this evening.
    Even a shack feels cozy when it smells like pumpkin pie!
    Have a nice evening gals!
    And thanks!

  • Seeking Knowledge
    Seeking Knowledge

    WOW Legolas.....handy with a bow & arrow AND decorating!! Who'da thought??

    Any chance you're up for hire?? I could use your eye for design!!

    My sister in law is wonderful at that as well, and I use her as inspiration, but it always seems something gets lost in translation! Oh well, I just painted my dining room/kitchen, and while I like it, I'm already looking at changing the color. My 16 year old tells me I have to wait at least 6 months....dammit. At least the walls aren't WHITE!! And that says alot for me!!


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