black, black coffee

by tetrapod.sapien 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • tetrapod.sapien

    what is it with people who live life like they bought it at a store? like they know exactly how it is supposed to work, and they live like it too? like it's so simple. just follow the instructions on the package, and it should all work fine. and thank you for shopping at Planet Earth, third rock from the sun in a no-name backwater galaxy.
    like as if some engineer designed life for us, so it must be logical, and meaningful, and therefore damnit, i am going to act like it.

    what damage does the concept that some engineer-god designed our life do to us? and the way we view the world? where is the chaos? where is the sluttiness? where is the terror? where is the poetry? we see it on CNN, but is it what they say it is? why do we sterilize ourselves? what is it with buying buying buying? why do we do this? why do we support it?

    so god supposedly crippled our genome so that, yay, we may be imperfect, amen. you'd think though, that with a little bit of god still left in us, that we would approach life a little more poetically. a little less materialistically. a little less ape like. a little more god like.

    black, black coffee, amen children of the cosmos. be true to your origins and embrace the miracle of your existence. get of your fucking imaginary merry-go-round and burn your candle at both ends. and may you be a god.


  • coolhandluke

    People love the movie fight club. Wonderful film and an even better book. There is a part of Tyler's narrative where he's describing the overgrown forests on rodeo drive as he stalks an animal and marvels at an abandoned superhighway. I smile at this all of the time. I ache for it. Nuclear holocaust; I'd hate the casualties. Nuclear holocaust; I'd love the resulting chaos. If nothing more I'd embrace the return to what is truly important: People, family, eating, sharing ideas, humanity, nature, surfing, respect. I'm with you tetra. Can I keep my leather couch?


  • Cygnus

    I prefer French coffee, with as much milk as coffee itself.

    But coffee usually makes me sick.

    Therefore, this dude cannot abide.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I don't understand the soapbox that you preach from? Are you against order and orderliness in one's life? Or just up too late?

    I'll take mine with a dose of order and kindness, no unkindness please!


  • tetrapod.sapien
    I don't understand the soapbox that you preach from?

    that's okay. it's not for everyone.

    CHL -

    bombs for surfing! let it rain down! amen!


  • startingover
    Nuclear holocaust; I'd hate the casualties. Nuclear holocaust; I'd love the resulting chaos.

    I was riding my bike this weekend and saw some smoke from a fire which looked just like a mushroom cloud. Those were my thoughts exactly.

    I think it's all about change and new horizons.

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    Made me think of Squeeze's "Black Coffee in Bed"

    There’s a stain on my notebook
    Where your coffee cup was
    And there’s ash in the pages
    Now I’ve got myself lost
    I was writing to tell you
    That my feelings tonight
    Are a stain on my notebook
    That rings your goodbye
    With the way that you left me
    I can hardly contain
    The hurt and the anger
    And the joy of the pain
    Now knowing I am single
    They’ll be fire in my eyes
    And a stain on my notebook
    For a new love tonight

    From the lips without passion
    To the lips with a kiss
    There’s nothing of your love
    That I’ll ever miss
    The stain on my notebook
    Remain all that’s left
    Of the memory of late nights
    And coffee in bed

    Now she’s gone
    And I’m back on the beat
    A stain on my notebook
    Says nothing to me
    Now she’s gone
    And I’m out with a friend
    With lips full of passion
    And coffee in bed

  • forsharry

    I have four letters/numbers for ya... H5N1 baby, yeah!

    chicken flu chicken flu chicken flu flu flu

    Where are all things breaking down? Where is the chaos, mayhem, and destruction? and why can't I get the friggin answering machine to work right?!

    But Daddy, I want a goose who lays golden eggs!

    forsharry, Tetragod's lovely siren of the deep blue sea and ravager of vessels and men

  • chrissy
    chrissy the end of the rat race you are still a rat.

  • AlmostAtheist

    Your body is the result of 900,000,000 generations, every child of which survived because it had more and better kids than the one before it. Therefore you crave a mate, and crave children.

    Your forebears protected their children, so you do. You are naturally inclined to love them. We know we are, and have developed social expectations about it. You protect your children.

    Your body knows you need salt right now, and it knows there's salt in Doritos. Therefore, you crave Doritos.

    Looking too deeply into why you "like" what you like and "care about" what you care about isn't good for your "soul", Tetra. I suggest you watch an old episode of Star Trek with someone that's only seen the new ones so you can say, "Yeah, but for the time, the effects were pretty good!"

    And set the bong down.

    Your in Christ,


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