I might need to talk tomorrow, I know it sounds silly but, for a good few years now, I've had major confidence issues when it comes to public speaking, anything else I'm fine with, and sometimes a bit of an extrovert, but put a microphone in front of me, and I'll stutter and fall apart before your eyes. Well, a friend of mine was meant to give a pub quiz tomorrow, and I've reluctantly been pushed into doing it instead, it's not a big deal at all, it just means reading questions and answers into a microphone, but I know I'm going to balls it up. Have any of you got any tips for getting over this stupid phobia I seem to have developed?
Public Speaking...
by Jordan 27 Replies latest jw friends
From what I learned in my college speech class, preparation beforehand will give you all the confidence you need. The more you prepare, the more confident you will be.
Haha, that's the one thing I can't really do, the sheets with the questions and answers on are gonna be at the pub waiting for me tomorrow... lol
Have a few drinks before you do it!
Oh jeez, a pub quiz?? Dude, drink a few and you will be good to go. All of your fears will disappear. Trust me. If I have a speaking engagement for work, I will down a quick shot of whatever it is I have on hand to calm the nerves. I am a much better speaker with a tad bit of alcohol in me. In fact, I turn into a super-speaker.
Liquid Courage.
I've got to be careful with the drinking tonight, It's my turn to drive, but, I guess a swift pint before hand isn't gonna hurt...
Well I have no advice to give, but I just wanted to wish you the best of luck and hope everything goes well for you!
Try enrolling in the Theocratic Ministry School.
It prepares you better than college ever could.
Relax. Stand up straight. Pick a point above poeples heads at first, then you can begin to speak directly to the audience as you relax and get going.
Take a deep breath, and smile. They won't bite... really!
Good luck and have fun!