I just finished looking over the .pdf of the new Organized to Do Jehovah's Will book. At the end, like the others, are the "questions."
AND THE ANSWERS! I had completely forgotten about this. LOL! I don't know why that struck me as funny...
I guess they just want to be extra sure they can get people dunked.
HAHAHA! New "Organized" book.
by Odrade 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Nate Merit
Hello Odrade
Back in MY day the questions were printed at the bottom of each page of the publications. I'm surprised ANY change was ever made by the WTBTS. Innovative in doctrine, yes, innovative in practice, no.
I frequent a large number of used book stores and one can always count on a plethora (oh dear...a plethora! grab the uzi!) of Watchtower books to be piled high. Often they're free because the proprietor simply wishes to be rid of them. I've acquired a number of WTBTS publications this way, as well as a number of Gideon Bibles. The Bibles I give away, the books I feed to the Fire Monster in the brick cave in my rec room.
Besides, there will never be a book as good as the 'Truth' book. If it was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for me.
Nate -
in a new york bethel minute
Back in MY day the questions were printed at the bottom of each page of the publications
this is still true of regular publications (watchtower, 192 page books etc...) but these questions i believe are used for baptismal candidates and are all organized at the end of the book (like the old "organized to accomplish our ministry" book)
P.S. correct me if im wrong?
How can I get the pdf of this book?
i think im gonna write a JW book.... ill call it Organized: To BullShit and Blind the Masses... of course it will be for the higher ranking members of the J-Dub ranks.... it will be 197 pages and it will not have any questions, just directives... it'll be amazing, i promise...
the infamous one
Nate Merit,
LOL! I usually say, "If it was good enough for the apostle Paul, it's good enough for me." Nice touch.
Not being a JW it is sometimes hard for me to grasp how people of normal intellect could get hoodwinked by the insipid drivel of the WTB&TS. Please do not take this as criticism or condemnatiion of anyone who is or was a JW. I've read enough here to know that they are a sneaky bunch that resort to using peoples' weaknesses and brainwashing techniques to achieve their goals. Tough to resist when you think they have something that you might be looking for. Look no further than the "Manchurian Candidate."That said, I went and looked at the "Organized" book using the Wikipedia link provided. Holy cow! What a bunch of self-serving double-speak. This has got to be one of the most self-congratulatory, "We are the greatest!" bits of self-serving literature since the Israelites wrote the bible as a "rah-rah hooray for us" tome all those centuries ago. But I especially liked this part (my gag-reflex wouldn't allow me to read too far):
During these last days of this wicked system of things, the belongings of the Master have increased abundantly throughout all the earth. This has placed a heavy responsibility on ’the faithful slave.’ In discharging the responsibility to provide spiritual food at the proper time and in order to get the good news of the Kingdom preached before the end comes, the slave class has formed certain agencies, or legal entities. It has proved to be the course of wisdom to organize certain corporations that are recognized by the laws of various countries. These religious corporations own and operate printing facilities that produce and distribute Bibles and Bible literature worldwide for use in the Kingdom ministry.
These corporations are exclusively devoted to advancing the interests of true worship in the earth. All these legal instrumentalities cooperate with one another. Such legal corporations are used to facilitate the preaching of the good news worldwide and to care for the spiritual needs of the entire congregation of God in all parts of the earth.
Say what? I don't remember the early christians incorporating anything. Jeez, so much for "Jesus Christ Superstar." Hello "Jesus Christ CEO"!!!
And they just had to reiterate the "last days" and the "wicked system" bullshit. The wicked system is what is providing their self-serving financial corporate excesses. Loosen that bite on the hand that feeds you, I say!
Simply amazing.
It's weird that that is there because they won't even put them books on the CD's (not the one I have anyway)!
Robhic, that was great!