This is a great site but ....

by ithinkisee 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • ithinkisee

    I wish we could have animated avatars on this site ....


  • horrible life
    horrible life
    I wish we could have animated avatars on this site ....

    I thought of that, but I think it would drive your eyes crazy. HL

  • Crumpet

    Mrs Jones - whenever I see your posts they always amuse me, especially as there is a lady I work with who retires next month and still calls herself mrs jones when she answers the phone even though the top bosses are first name type of guys. so whenever you post your saucy comments i always have this vision of her letting her hair down. always m,akes me smile! Love to see a real pic of you though!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Oh yeah, baby; make that cowbell sing for me!

  • kwintestal
    is that Will Farrell?

    I thought is was Beans.


  • Cygnus

    Heh. El Oh El. I love Christopher Walken, and Will Farrell. That GIF was my avatar on JWC for a little while, if memory serves. The SNL skit in and of itself wasn't that funny... but it produced a great line "more cowbell" that everybody who is at least 30 would get a kick out of (meaning they'd know the song). Teens probably wouldn't have a clue or get the joke.

  • Es

    I love Will Ferrell!!!!!!


  • onacruse

    Whaaaaat??? Yet another Midwest cowboys-in-too-tight-pants-with-an-expectedly-high-voice group?

    Thank Goodness the speakers on this computer don't work! LOL


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