I do understand where you're coming from, but please hear me out. There are a wide variety of people who come into this forum, but understand that most of us--after perhaps many years of being loyal Jehovah's Witnesses--came to find out that the Watchtower Society is not what it purports to be. I know you may not hold this belief, but we do. And if you can be open-minded enough to put the Watchtower Society itself under the light of scrutiny, you'll find that they themselves have been doing the "attacking."
Although they try to put a pleasant face on their teachings, they do--as you must know--teach that anyone not a baptized Jehovah's Witness, in good standing with the organization, attending all possible meetings, and actively engaging in the Watchtower's field ministry will die at Armageddon. What's worse? Jeff's believing that JWs are judgmental? Or JWs believing all those not in their group are condemned to everlasting destruction?
I know that, while a JW elder, I was particularly sensitive to individuals. But I also know that many, many of my fellow JWs were not so. There was a fellow elder who, while conducting the bookstudy, referred to homosexuals sneeringly as "a bunch of fags." There was also a past-70 pioneer sister who used the same ugly slur. What about those of other religions? Yes, I recall trying to be an influence toward more respectful attitudes about these people. But, again, most were not this way. When you are part of an organization that teaches categorically that ALL other religions are part of "the world empire of false religion," are a part of "Satan's seed," etc, you produce a good deal of followers who sneer, mock, and speak disdainfully of any who hold a strong hope other than yours.
Don't agree? Then think... What comments might generally come from those in your cargroup if, after getting back in the car, you told them your householder had said they were a "born-again Christian" and they were looking forward to the "rapture" that Christ foretold? Would they say: "Oh well that's nice. Good for them"? Probably not. They would likely heave pathetic sighs, comment about how clueless they were, and suggest that they'll be getting a big surprise at Armageddon.
Now no one is saying JWs--or any group of people--don't have the *right* to believe as they do. But, upon learning what we have, we now see how judgmental we were as JWs. Heck, maybe some of us still are. But I totally relate with Jeff's post, as I have begun to feel the same way.