I'm sorry but

by toer5777 183 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    toer -

    No need to reproduce the entire WT library here. We all know the supposition and assertions they present on these topics.

    We were most already there.

    YOu do the typical JW thing. Speak, present. Ignore any comments or common sense presented back to you no matter the weight.

    I am still waiting for your proof that Jesus preached door to door.


  • toer5777

    Lesson 11
    Beliefs and Customs That Displease God

    What kind of beliefs and customs are wrong? (1)
    Should Christians believe that God is a Trinity? (2)
    Why do true Christians not celebrate Christmas, Easter, or birthdays? (3, 4)
    Can the dead harm the living? (5) Did Jesus die on a cross? (6)
    How important is it to please God? (7)

    God is not a Trinity

    Christmas and Easter come from ancient false religions

    There is no reason to worship the dead or to fear them

    1. Not all beliefs and customs are bad. But God does not approve of them if they come from false religion or are against Bible teachings.— Matthew 15:6 .

    2. Trinity: Is Jehovah a Trinity—three persons in one God? No! Jehovah, the Father, is "the only true God." ( John 17:3 ; Mark 12:29 ) Jesus is His firstborn Son, and he is subject to God. ( 1 Corinthians 11:3 ) The Father is greater than the Son. ( John 14:28 ) The holy spirit is not a person; it is God's active force.— Genesis 1:2 ; Acts 2:18 .

    3. Christmas and Easter: Jesus was not born on December 25. He was born about October 1, a time of year when shepherds kept their flocks out-of-doors at night. ( Luke 2:8-12 ) Jesus never commanded Christians to celebrate his birth. Rather, he told his disciples to memorialize, or remember, his death. ( Luke 22:19, 20 ) Christmas and its customs come from ancient false religions. The same is true of Easter customs, such as the use of eggs and rabbits. The early Christians did not celebrate Christmas or Easter, nor do true Christians today.

    4. Birthdays: The only two birthday celebrations spoken of in the Bible were held by persons who did not worship Jehovah. ( Genesis 40:20-22 ; Mark 6:21, 22 , 24-27 ) The early Christians did not celebrate birthdays. The custom of celebrating birthdays comes from ancient false religions. True Christians give gifts and have good times together at other times during the year.

    5. Fear of the Dead: The dead cannot do anything or feel anything. We cannot help them, and they cannot hurt us. ( Psalm 146:4 ; Ecclesiastes 9:5 , 10 ) The soul dies; it does not live on after death. ( Ezekiel 18:4 ) But sometimes wicked angels, called demons, pretend to be the spirits of the dead. Any customs that have to do with fear of or worship of the dead are wrong.— Isaiah 8:19 .

    6. Cross: Jesus did not die on a cross. He died on a pole, or a stake. The Greek word translated "cross" in many Bibles meant just one piece of timber. The symbol of the cross comes from ancient false religions. The cross was not used or worshiped by the early Christians. Therefore, do you think it would be right to use a cross in worship?— Deuteronomy 7:26 ; 1 Corinthians 10:14 .

    7. It may be very hard to abandon some of these beliefs and customs. Relatives and friends may try to convince you not to change your beliefs. But pleasing God is more important than pleasing men.— Proverbs 29:25 ; Matthew 10:36, 37 .

    Published in 1996

    Copyright © 2004 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved.

  • mrsjones5

    double barf *Mod Alert!!!!*

  • Finally-Free
    Beliefs and Customs That Displease God

    I think they forgot to mention that he hates false prophets.


  • daystar


    Honey chile, sweet potato pie, dahlin'...

    Your material is not appropriate for your audience.

    We have read all that rubbish. We were fully indoctrinated. We broke free and we are not about to return to our own vomit. You are not going to win any converts here.

  • Mastodon

    I was in he Boreganization for over 20 years. There is nothing that you can COPY/PASTE that will be news to anyone here. Instead of running around copying the horsecrap that has been printed over and over with different headlines, why don't you take a shot at THINKING AND SPEAKING FOR YOURSELF.
    some users have posted questions for you here which you haven't been able to answer. Any sane and intelligent person would wonder why is that...

  • toer5777

    "Can I Worship God in My Own Way?"


    YOU NEED FOOD. You need water. You need air. You need some measure of shelter and protection from the elements. These are needs not only of every human but also of countless billions of other living creatures on this planet. There is one need, however, that is unique to humans. What is it?

    Canadian sociologist Reginald W. Bibby wrote: "People have needs that only religion can address." And in its February 2000 issue, the journal American Sociological Review printed an article that said: "Spiritual concerns will probably always be part of the human outlook."

    Yes, throughout history humans have felt a need to worship. For centuries most have turned to organized religion to fill that need. But things are changing. In many industrialized nations—such as North America and Northern Europe—more and more people are abandoning their churches. Does that trend spell the end of religion? Hardly.

    "Reports of religion's death are greatly exaggerated," writes the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet. What is replacing the traditional churches? The paper continues: "The new thing is that we do not belong to any church. Instead, we can pick and choose and compose an acceptable mixture from the global religious market. . . . It can encompass anything from healing crystals to a Buddhist monk's mantle. When you get tired of your selection, you can easily and conveniently change."

    Researchers of the sociology of religion refer to this trend as "private religion" or "invisible religion." Sociologist Bibby, quoted previously, coined the phrase "religion à la carte." Others refer to such faiths as "tailor-made" or "according to taste." In some traditionally Christian countries, the largest religious group is now made up of people who, in effect, have their own personal religion.

    Consider the results of a survey that was carried out in Sweden, one of the world's most secularized countries. The survey found that 2 out of 3 people considered themselves to be Christians "in their own personal way." Some said: "I have my own view of Christianity," "I feel strange in church," "I don't like to go to church and listen to priests," or "I can go into my private room and pray by myself." Many were inclined to believe in reincarnation or in fate. Most said that they believed that some form of divine force or power may exist but that they could not define it.

    Another survey found that many people reserve their religious feelings for times when they are outdoors, enjoying earth's natural settings. A young female farmer said: "When you're out in the woods and fields, that's when you're closest to God, I think." Another person interviewed, who did not consider himself religious, explained: "When I go out in the woods, I feel as if it were a huge temple. . . . And who is in control of it, I don't know, but I feel it." Some described nature as holy, divine, and awe-inspiring and said that being in its presence gave them renewed strength, peace, and harmony. As a summary, one interviewer concluded his report: "God has moved out into the woods."

    Commenting on a recent trend to seek spirituality in nature, one researcher concluded: "God has moved out into the woods"

    This trend is noticeable in many parts of the world today. Thomas Luckmann, an American specialist in the sociology of religion, spoke of church-oriented religion as being pushed aside in industrial societies and being replaced by a "social form of religion." The individual, in effect, forms a philosophy of life by picking out ideas about spiritual matters and then combining these notions into his own private religion.

    You may wonder, 'Are the established religions and churches really being pushed to the fringes of society? If so, why?' These questions are considered in the following article.

    Hindu idol: Photograph taken by courtesy of the British Museum

    Appeared in Awake! April 22, 2002

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    Copyright © 2003 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights

  • ozziepost
    What other religion beleive in a paradise here in earth

    Actually that is what the christian religion teaches; it certainly isn't a dub thing! Christians believe in a new heaven and a new earth where God dwells with them - from Revelation where Mt Zion comes down to earth we see a uniting of things earthly with heaven.

    So, my new posting friend, you don't understand what christianity really is about - it's the non-christians who believe that christians believe they're going up to heaven to play a harp in the clouds for evermore!!

  • coolhandluke

    Get a rope

  • Mastodon

    TOER... STOP IT!

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