...trying to track down the JW core doctrines

by jgnat 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Forscher

    Nice comment Justin.
    When it comes to core doctrines, I think it can be said that the for the JW the "faithful and discrete Slave" doctrine is the only truly core belief. Since they accept it as a given that the WTBTS has the authority to define truth, then whatever the FDS says is truth, period. That pretty much makes ANY other teaching pliable and dependent on the mood of the Governing body.
    Over on the Bible Student forum, the administrator, RR144, once asked what the JWs there would do if the Watchtower came out one day with an article declaring the Trinity to be official doctrine. To a man the practicing JWs on the forum said that they'd consider it "New Light". In other words they would accept it without question. I think that shows just how pliable JW beliefs really are.


  • garybuss

    There's a book written about this very subject.

    Captives of a Concept by Don Cameron

    Captives of a Concept (Anatomy of an Illusion)


  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    russell and rutherFRAUD TILL 1935 1935 BELIEVED IN 3 HOPES. the 144000 were to rule with christ . and the great crowd of some number like 411,000,000 were to live in heaven. it's in the finished mystery book 1917 etc. and the other sheep were to live earth, they were made up of non jw's or persons not worthy of heaven . that may have been mislead by christiandom etc. it's an interesting concept that the wt don't tell jw's about . that rutherFRAUD CAME UP WITH IN 1935. JOHN

  • jgnat

    I'm just catching up on this old thread. If there's WHOLE BOOK on the subject, that wouldn't be a summary. But thanks, Gary Buss, all the same.

  • TopHat

    Perhaps I was an Apostate from the beginning as I never really excepted the "anointed" theroy. I always ask the question....it seems to me the 144000 could have easy been picked in the first century, couldn't they? Never got an answer!

  • Schizm

    Watchtower 4.1.86Approved association with Jehovah’s Witnesses requires accepting the entire range of the true teachings of the Bible, including those Scriptural beliefs that are unique to Jehovah’s Witnesses. What do such beliefs include?

    That 1914 marked the end of the Gentile Times and the establishment of the Kingdom of God in the heavens, as well as the time for Christ’s foretold presence.

    "Approved associaton" requires that I accept a mistaken concept; namely, that God's Kingdom was established in the year 1914. Being that I no longer believe the 1914 doctrine is true, then I'm no longer officially recognized as being a JW.

    So? What else is new?


  • lisaBObeesa

    According to my Cultural Anthropology course, what makes a JW a JW is not as much about a certain common belief so much as certain common actions. The way a sub-cultural group does things and behaves is the core of why they are who they are.

    To make my point, you CAN be a JW in good standing, even with privileges, even be an elder or PO, and not believe all core teachings 100%. You just can’t TALK about it.

    Many times on this board I have read stories of people being shocked to find out that Brother Strong-In-The-Truth doesn’t believe in the whole 1914 thing, but continues to be a happy JW who just doesn’t talk about it! People have been told at Judicial Committee meetings that it is ok not be believe everything and to have doubts…just keep it to yourself and everything will be ok.

    So what is the core identifier of JWs? What makes a JW a JW? In my opinion, it is Being Unified

    It doesn’t matter if their beliefs change every five minutes. As long as they all believe the SAME, they are still JWs.

    Actually, as long as they all LOOK and SOUND LIKE they believe the same, they are still JWs.

    That’s why JWs have the ask the elders about every little thing to make sure it is ok. Wouldn’t want to do something that JWs don’t do! They have to be the SAME.

    If you want to BE A REAL JW, you have to act like all the rest of them.

    And how in the world can you act like all the other JWs in the world? Well, you are going to need someone to TELL you how all JWs in the world act. Enter the Governing Body, printing stacks and stacks of books and mags full of rules, so you never have to wonder what the ‘right’ (JW) thing to do is.

    The more you BEHAVE IN THE UNIFIED JW WAY, the more of a JW you are. The smallest deviation from approved behavior is noticed by others in the group, and punished.

    Small deviations from the sameness are punished with stares and whispers and general rudeness. Large deviations from the sameness are punished with expulsion.

    People are not DF for beliefs because you have have different beliefs and still look and sound the same as all other JWs. People are DF for TELLING about their different beliefs or acting on their different beliefs. People are DF for NOT BEHAVING like JWs.

  • Sunspot
    There are 104 questions the JW baptismal candidate must answer.

    Are you kidding? When I was baptized in 1972 I (only) had to get through 80 of them! I thought THAT was excessive!

    Funny, for all the "questions" that I had to answer, I never really knew the way the Borg was run, what I was actually "signing up" for, and the UNbiblical sacrifces I was expected to make for the rest of my life. The upcoming "changes and revisions" in policies and teachings were something I had never considered either....but there they were! It's hard to devote yourself to an organization that keeps changing what they believe in.


  • DannyHaszard
    The Watchtower cult's ego is so conceited and profoundly arrogant that we were taught that the only reason there is petroleum deposits in the ground (put there by Jehovah) made commercially viable in the late 1800's.Was so,get this...Jehovah's Witnesses would have the invention of the automobile with the oil for fuel so they could drive door to door.
    MORE! I have read in numerous WT publications and heard in dozens of talks at the Kingdom Halls that the ONLY reason there was a WW1 was because "Satan instigated WW1 so that he could get at the faithful anointed of JW's" you know drunken Watchtower leader Joseph Rutherford and his buds.

    That's right all the millions of men women and children who perished in WW1 was just a little collateral damage the real news was the oppression of a handful of Jehovah's Witnesses on the corporate board of the Watchtower.

    MORE yet, Satan didn't succeed with destroying JW's in WW1 so he started WW2 again for the same reason to whip up persecution against JW's by way of war hysteria to try to "get them" 55 million human beings die and it's all just collateral damage because Heaven and Earth revolve around Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watchtower.
    The incredible arrogance of ruthless egotism from a supremacist/extremist cult.

    To: all you Watchtower apologist there are a million former and active Jehovah's Witnesses who can vouch that this is all true about the WT's history.
    Remember-You just can't fool all the people all the time,you can only fool all of the people some of the time,or some of the people all of the time.
    Watchtower Whistleblower: Danny Haszard Bangor Maine- Jehovah's Witnesses are the 'perfect storm' of deception-in a word they are the cult of Innuendo

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