At what age should a person loss their drivers licence?

by free2beme 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    This is a very sad topic... at what age should one of the greatest symbols of freedom be taken away from an adult who has not actually committed a crime?

    It must be very heart breaking when they are no longer able to get around on their own and become dependant on another person.

  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia

    I think at any age it should be taken away.

    If you have repeated drunk driving arrests....gone.

    If you have a medical condition that causes blackouts....gone

    I know some old people who are great drivers...and young people who have almost killed people.

    My mother is a horrible driver and she is just 53 years old....she has very poor vision. I think she shouldn't be able to drive now! My grandmother is a great driver....maybe she could drive my mom around! LOL!


  • free2beme

    I think if it was announced now that at age 70 you loss your licence. People would protest for awhile and people would have talks about losing their freedoms. In a short few years, it would just become common and people would not only accept it, they would come to expect and plan their life around it. Perhaps moving to locations with good transit systems, or maybe even assisted living homes. I think a lot does depend on health, but it would make the law or regulation, almost impossible to regulate if you had a 1000 loop holes. Sometimes, for the greater good, some just have to grin and bear it.

  • jgnat

    Yes, but, there are seventy year olds who are healthier than me! Modern health care and nutrition means our seniors are staying fitter longer. Seventy won't seem so old ten years from now. I'd rather a flexible law that takes in to account the health of the person.

  • yesidid


    think if it was announced now that at age 70 you loss your licence. People would protest for awhile and people would have talks about losing their freedoms. In a short few years, it would just become common and people would not only accept it, they would come to expect and plan their life around it. Perhaps moving to locations with good transit systems, or maybe even assisted living homes. I think a lot does depend on health, but it would make the law or regulation, almost impossible to regulate if you had a 1000 loop holes. Sometimes, for the greater good, some just have to grin and bear it.

    Let's have this conversation again when you are 69.

  • lazyslob

    Here you have to go to doctor every five years starting 45 to keep your license. It works pretty well. The doctors can anytime take your license for health reasons.

  • blondie

    lazyslob, a little off topic, what happens when a person is caught driving having drunk alcohol?

  • lazyslob

    It depends on how toxicated he/she was. You lose your license on the spot but the time differs with the promille of alcohol in your blood. The limit for losing it is basically one beer.

  • freedom96

    I think that older people should be tested on a regular basis, and when they simply can't pass the test, then it is over for their driving career.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Taking driver's liscenses away from the elderly is a band-aid fix. The real need is for society to take better care of their elders, so they don't have to be so independant. I think everyone should have to take a driving proficiency/recertification test periodically, not just old people.

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