Defeating the Atheist/Agnostics (an evolving post)

by JasonSea 122 Replies latest jw friends

  • jstalin
    This you know you cannot do for it is a doctrine you atheists believe ON FAITH!

    Apparently you didn't read the rest of my post. Clearly you have no interest in an answer, only making the same statement over and over in the hope that eventually you'll make it true.

  • Crumpet
    I expected more from a Jehovahs Witness forum. This is disgraceful for YOU are disgraceful and an affront to Lord Jehovah

    Once again we are not a JW forum. We are ex JW and I take it as a compliment if I can just affront and disgrace JW's and their evil head just once! xx

  • lonelysheep
    That is all I hope to accomplish and have indeed done so

    Please go get your ego inflated somewhere else.

    I'm just about ready to leave.


    This forum format is really pissing me off.


  • gumby
    This is disgraceful for YOU are disgraceful and an affront to Lord Jehovah!

    Well, I guess this explains his craziness. Nothing worse than a dub with his own independent mind who is about half dub and half delusional.

    Your not to bright are ya? You spend time on forums and can't figure out the format here? How you supposed to defend god when you can't grasp how to edit?



  • AlmostAtheist

    Damn, it's almost over and it seems I've missed it. I hope there's a donut left, at least...

    I am asking you to prove the positive of your atheist assertion that mankind evolved from single-celled organisms. This you know you cannot do for it is a doctrine you atheists believe ON FAITH!

    Leolaiai (or however you spell it, sorry!) made an excellent point on a similar thread. She pointed out that based on this reasoning, we must never convict anyone of any crime. After all, we can't KNOW for a FACT that a person committed the crime. There may be abundant evidence -- fingerprints, motive, fibers, other-CSI-esque goodies -- but we can't truly know it.

    Has every criminal ever convicted on evidence been sentenced on the same brand of faith that you have in Jesus?

    Even if you think so, I would still say "no". I think if you went to court, accusing God of existing, you wouldn't be able to garner enough evidence to convict him.

    And for the record, soap has saved many, many, MANY more lives than Jesus has. So yes, it has more power than him. (Though granted, it's only 99 and 44/100ths percent pure)


  • forsharry

    Wow, I'm surprised the Great and Mighty Tetragod has not found this thread yet.

    I'm seeing a lot of faith and belief words being thrown about. I feel like i've just posted on this topic...

    I think that from denial that belief is born. People want to deny that this is all that there is, that there has to be more, a greater purpose than just living for a couple of decades, procreating and then dying. And in that state of denial people will wish to believe anything. So they believe that there's something greater than them, and somehow, someway that after they die they'll go to a kingdom of fine jewels and heavenly music and everything will be perfect and wonderful, because real life in general is struggle and extremes from pain to joy. Ah to have such a lovely faith that all will somehow, someway, over the rainbow, be okay! Whatever helps you sleep at night, I guess is what matters ultimately.

    So in the end, here we are, carbon based life-forms stuck on a ball of molten iron mixed with other solid stuffs, hurtling through the galaxy at hundreds of thousands of miles an hour, with no final destination in mind really. I know that I might hear that look at the astronomical odds it would take for all of this to happen by chance? There simply HAS TO BE something greater out there. Oh, really? Considering that there are billions of galaxies out there, with trillions of stars, with a google of planets spiraling around them, made of all kinds of star-stuff and suddenly our 'astronomical' odds aren't so "unbelievable" after all.

    1 a : allegiance to duty or a person : LOYALTY b (1) : fidelity to one's promises (2) : sincerity of intentions
    2 a (1) : belief and trust in and loyalty to God (2) : belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion b (1) : firm belief in something for which there is no proof (2) : complete trust
    3 : something that is believed especially with strong conviction; especially : a system of religious beliefs

    There's a lot of proof out there supporting the evolutionary process...more than to prove that "God" created the earth in "Seven Days" (And please, don't get into the discussion of the length of "Days" or anything like that....I would hope you know what I mean in that comment.) So it's not a firm belief to which there is no proof. And number's not complete trust. My mind and eyes are open. If something comes along that can definitively proove that there is a god up there in the great big universe out there then I will without a doubt change my thinking. However, as it stands right now, there is more on the side of that we're just a universally random combination of elements combined together so as to exhibit "life."

    The End

    "And they all lived Happily in the Ever After"

  • FreeWilly


    You remind me of elementary school when one kid would insult another kid, only to degenerate into a shouting match where each are saying "prove it - prove it".

    I am Agnostic because all attempts at finding evidence (empirically or otherwise) repeatedly come up empty - End of story.

    Far from the Biblical storys, ripe with supernatural happenings, our modern reality finds nothing of the sort. Strange huh? Additionally there is compelling evidence that Bible writers have borrowed heavily from Sumerian legends when crafting their accounts. The epic of Gilgamesh pre-dates the supposed time of the Bible's flood. Oddly enough it contains accounts erily similar to those written in the Bible hundreds of years later.

    While I haven't drawn firm conclusions, I too find out genetic similarities with Chimps to be compelling. We are genetically closer to Chimps (98.3% identicle) than Chimps are to gorillas or orangatangs. We are closer to chimps genetically than horses are to Zebras. Although, unlike idiotic fundementalists, I drawn no firm conclusions from these.

    If you want to believe in an invisible friend and/or the boogey man, go right ahead. It seems to suit you.

    However, I must point out that the manner in which you arrived here, and the logic of your arguement show the mentality of a very immature mind. I would caution you on what you buy into as you seem likely to believe anything based primarily on the level of your emotional investment.

  • undercover
    You atheists do not believe in God,

    That's not correct. As an atheist, one believes that God does not exist.

    One can accept the notion that there might be a god but choose to not believe in him or worship him, or, one can accept that there is no evidence for a god and conclude there is not one. An atheist is the latter.

  • Elsewhere
    The atheist scientific cannot demand that believers in God prove their beliefs scientifically because believers in God openly admit that they believe on faith. The atheist scientific cannot fall back on that premise so whatever they believe must be able to be proven by the scientific method in order to be empirically valid. The atheist scientific are famous for ridiculing those who believe by faith.

    Dude, don't be stupid.

    Ok, as an atheist I change my position.... I no longer KNOW there is no gawd. I now BELIEVE there is no gawd. Therefore I am now right and you are now wrong.

    There, you happy? You see just how STUPID that is?

  • mkr32208

    This is why I still come around occasionaly I just miss the crazies!

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