A quote from a poster on another thread that I promised myself I wouldn't hijack:
a portion of [posters on JWD are] antitheists which means they hold the view that science has already proved that god doesn't exist.
May I ask, who are these posters? I don't read EVERY post on JWD, I could buy that I just missed it.
Atheists by and large have come to that point by realizing that things that can't be proven shouldn't be believed outright. There ought to at least be some evidence suggesting the thing is true. That being the case, I have a hard time imagining any such individual thinking that there is some scientific test that could be performed that would show God doesn't exist.
In fact, I can't imagine there's a test to prove the non-existence of anything. How would you "test" for the non-existence of Santa Claus? UFO's? Purple Carrots?
Testing for the EXISTENCE of something isn't too hard, but a negative result would only mean that you didn't find it, not that it doesn't exist.