We can rest knowing that the egyptian symbol which is of the tetragrammatron god of the JWs, was an obvious embarassment to the organization when researchers found out about it. REMOVE IT! Makes us look bad! We can worship BAAL in other ways more secretive.
Ianone --
While this is a possibility, I wanted to show that the motif/decor do not STILL exist on this building as some claim. In speaking with a brother at the hall, I was told that the outside embellishments were removed and the interior was remodeled a number of years ago. He said that just prior to them buying it, it had been used as a synogogue.
I think that the Witnesses may not have felt an immediate need to remove the Egypticity from the building because of the tie-in to Russell's use of the symbolism. Of course, times change. Old light...new light.